Assignment Brief: Organization development has been categorized by academicians as having a professional field of social action dimension as well as a scientific inquiry area. The field of organizational development covers a wide area of activities, including team building, structural organizational change, job enrichment, the effects of change, the methods of organizational change, and the factors influencing organizational

Assignment Brief: Organization development has been categorized by academicians as having a professional field of social action dimension as well as a scientific inquiry area. The field of organizational development covers a wide area of activities, including team building, structural organizational change, job enrichment, the effects of change, the methods of organizational change, and the factors influencing organizational development success. Developing and designing an appropriate organizational intervention that will propel the organization from its current state to a future stage are all activities considered in organizational development (Cummings and Worley 2009).

1. Analyse the main characteristics, activities, goals, and key environmental influences on the organization taking into account its ethos and purpose.

2.Critically analyze and recommend organizational structural designs based on challenges faced by the organization in a globalized market.

3. Create and justify strategies for sustainable organizational development.

Reference no: EM132069492

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