CIS2002 Database Design and Implementation

Assignment 2

CIS2002 Database Design and Implementation

Semester 3, 2020

Student id: 0061124521

SECTION A (Advanced Data Modelling)

List of Relations

  1. Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) Customer
  2. Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLTP
  3. Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLAP
  4. Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLAP (HAS-A) Database One
  5. Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLTP (HAS-A) Database One
  6. Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLTP (HAS-A) Customer
  7. Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLAP (HAS-A) Customer

Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) Customer:

List of Attributes

  1. Name (PK)
  2. Address, E-Mail
  3. Telephone
  4. Processing Bandwidth
  5. Type of Service
  6. Duration of Use.
  7. –Processing Specialty (FK)

Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLTP

List of Attributes

  1. Data Downloads
  2. Data Uploads
  3. Point of Sales
  4. Social Media
  5. Accounting

Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLAP

List of Attributes

  1. Image Processing
  2. Business Intelligence
  3. Forecasting
  4. Predicting and Recognition

Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLAP (HAS-A) Database One :

List of Attributes

  1. Name
  2. Make
  3. Model
  4. Year
  5. MAC Address
  6. Location
  7. Site IP Address
  8. Processing Specialty (FK)

Edge Cloud Computing (IS-A) OLTP (HAS-A) Database One:

List of Attributes

  1. Name
  2. Make
  3. Model
  4. Year
  5. MAC Address
  6. Location
  7. Site IP Address
  8. Processing Specialty (FK)

CREATE TABLE Database_One (

Name varchar(255),

Make varchar(255),

Model varchar(255),

Year int,

Mac Address int,

Location varchar(255),

Site IP Address int,

Processing Specialty varchar(255),


FOREIGN KEY (Processing Specialty)


SECTION B (Normalization)

Freight Office (Freight id # Branch name, address, opening hours, office contact, total cargo, receiver id#, destination id#)

item(item_id# ,Freight id#, category, package, weight, dimensions, ship-by date, receive-by date, sender_id#)

sender (sender id#, Item_id#, sender name, sender contact, contact address))

Receiver (receiver id#, Item_id#, receiver name, receiver contact, receiver address)

Destination (Destination id#, destination country code, destination state, destination city, distribution Centre, distribution contact)

Table names, primary key and foreign key after converting to 3NF Form-

Table NamePrimary KeyForeign key
Freight OfficeFreight_idreceiver id, destination id
itemItem_idFreight_id, sender_id
DestinationDestination id

SECTION C (Advanced SQL)

  1. select books.title ,orderitems.quantity from books inner join orderitems on orderitems.isbn =books.isbn where orderitems.paideach-books.cost/books.cost>.30

Output Screenshot

  1. select books.category, from books inner join publisher on books.pubid=publisher.pubid where books.category=”COMPUTER” or books.category= “FAMILY


Output Screenshot

  1. select category ,count(isbn) as counts from books group by category having counts> 1;

Output Screenshot

  1. select title ,isbn,cost from books group by category having count(isbn)<2 order by title;

Output Screenshot

select category ,round( (retail-discount-cost)/count(isbn) )as AVERAGE_CATEGORY_PROFIT,STDEV( (retail-discount-cost)/count(isbn) ) as SDV_PROFIT from books group by category order by AVERAGE_CATEGORY_PROFIT ;

Output Screenshot

  1. select retail,name,id,category from books join orderitems on orderitems.isbn =books.isbn group by category having count(quantity)>3

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Reference no: EM132069492

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