GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The essay should be approximately 1500 words in length. It should be typed in 12- point font and double spaced. All essays will be due in class one week after you do your presentation. Presentations will be scheduled. The essay will be based BANK TELLER. Some of the questions, which should be answered and expanded upon, are listed below but this list is not exhaustive:


The essay should be approximately 1500 words in length. It should be typed in 12- point font and double spaced. All essays will be due in class one week after you do your presentation. Presentations will be scheduled.

The essay will be based BANK TELLER. Some of the questions, which should be answered and expanded upon, are listed below but this list is not exhaustive:

1. What jurisdiction does this job/industry fall under? What legislation applies?

2. Are there any regulations, codes of practice, guidelines, policies, etc. that apply to specifically to this job/industry.

3. How many and what kind of injuries/illnesses/fatalities have been reported for this industry/job?

4. What goes on at a typical workplace? Are they generally large or small workplaces? How many people? What are the demographics (men/women, young/old, culture, language, etc.)

5. Is this job/industry generally unionized? With whom? Are there provisions in the Collective Agreement concerning health and safety and/or work organization that would impact health and safety?

6. What are the duties and responsibilities of the job in question?

7. How is work organized? For example, is it shift work, irregular hours, assembly line work, rotating duties, etc.?

8. What are some of the health and safety hazards/issues associated with the job?

9. List the main occupational injuries that occur in this industry. What are the causes and explain the mechanisms of the injuries on the body?

10. Are there industrial diseases associated with this job? What are the causes, symptoms, diagnostic difficulties, long term effect, etc.?

11. What are the risk factors associated with this job?

12. How can these risk factors be reduced?

13. Does this industry have any rules, policies and controls in place to prevent or reduce exposure to these hazards and risks? Could they do better?

14. What are the difficulties in this industry with respect to receiving Workers Compensation benefits (i.e. method of pay, lack of knowledge of coverage, not covered, controversial injuries/illnesses, etc.)

15. How do the current laws and related policies apply to the hazards and compensation for them for this job/industry?

Reference no: EM132069492

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