The force vectors

Classify the following quantities to either scalar quantity or vector quantity by highlighting the correct answer:
Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force of F1 and F2 by filling the table. The magnitudes and directions of F1 and F2 are given.
Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force of F1, F2, and F3 by filling the table. The magnitudes and directions of F1, F2, and F3 are given.
Vectors addition using PhET Interactive Simulations:
Click on the link shown above and select β€œExplore 2D” option window at the bottom of the graph.
Drag the origin of the graph paper to the middle.
Click on vector segment π‘Žβƒ— and drag it so the tail positioned at the origin of the graph.
Adjust vector π‘Žβƒ— to a magnitude 6 N, and the angle ΞΈ = 30.0˚.
Drag vector segment 𝑏⃗ to the graph so the tail at the origin.
Adjust vector 𝑏⃗ so the magnitude is 5 N, and the direction with angle ΞΈ = 90.0˚.
Add the two vectors graphically using the head to tail method.
Click on the sum vector where 𝑠⃗ = π‘Žβƒ— + 𝑏⃗ .
Write the magnitude and the direction of the sum vector (resultant) 𝑠⃗ .
Use the magnitudes and directions of the added vectors to calculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector 𝑠⃗ using the analytical method.

The post The force vectors first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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