You will have seen in the previous webinar

As you will have seen in the previous webinar, using the following structure, is a requirement and will enable you to address the requirements of the essay, and ensure you attend to each aspect of a critical evaluation which is what the essay requires.

You will have seen in the previous webinar

As you will have seen in the previous webinar, using the following structure, is a requirement and will enable you to address the requirements of the essay, and ensure you attend to each aspect of a critical evaluation which is what the essay requires.

Provides a clear overview of why the improvement project was need that conveys to the reader the direction the assignment will take.

The aim/rationale of project are clearly describe. This section mounts a convincing argument for the intervention. Initial audit/observation against a known standard, guidance or the literature Includes detail of the staffing and also resources, project team, history of current practices and workplace readiness for this improvement is discussed.

The improvement strategy (intervention) is explain.  Discussion and analysis of stakeholders, engagement, implementation strategy for the intervention, analysis of barriers and also obstacles and communication strategies are outline.

Firstly, demonstrates understanding of how the intervention is/was evaluate or measure. It includes discussion of evaluation method, clearly identifying what the intervention is being measure against. Secondly, evaluation method reflects the aims and objectives of the project.

Summarises and draws together the findings and outcomes of the project
There are another 20% of the marks taking the total to 100 for the quality of your evidence and expression.  See the marking grid on the previous page to understand how these sections are assess.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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