Choose a conventional treatment or a CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) treatment that you would like

Choose a conventional treatment or a CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) treatment that you would like to learn more about. Find and read 2-3 articles or websites that have information about the treatment. Write about the treatment and the reasons why people are choosing it. You can also discuss why some people are not choosing to do the treatment. Include the potential benefits of the treatment as well as any potential side effects or risks. Discuss barriers to completing the treatment as well as concerns brought out in your research. What are the criticisms of the treatment and who is opposed to the treatment and what are their reasons for this? 

Share your thoughts about the treatment and include your unanswered questions and concerns as well as your overall opinion about whether the treatment is a good treatment in general. You can also share your own experiences related to the treatment if you have any.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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