Plato or Kant’s idea on enlightenment


Choose either Plato or Kant’s text, not both.

Then, write an essay that both:
1) Summarizes/explains in your own words the author’s ideas about enlightenment. You should write multiple paragraphs that address the major ideas of the author, but you do not need to fully explain every claim of the text.
2) Responds with a sophisticated argument that argues the philosopher is correct by focusing on how ONE living individual illustrates the author’s ideas about enlightenment. Or the response could argue the philosopher is incorrect and use the living individual to illustrate a superior definition of enlightenment. The living individual could be someone you personally know, or a public figure such as a scientist, musician, writer, etc. As you analyze this individual, you need to make explicit how they exemplify or contrast the author’s ideas. A sophisticated response will likely require multiple, well-organized paragraphs. Elon Musk and Malala Yousafzai may not be chosen as your example, and no historical, non-living example (MLK, Einstein) may be chosen.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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