
1. Examine the future of emergency management, challenges facing emergency management including the impact of climate change, cybersecurity and all hazards, mitigation and the National Flood Insurance Program, national leadership and institutional change and the recent Russian hack on the United states infrastructures or government offices.
2. What is the goal of emergency management in regards to the terrorism threat? How does the terrorism hazard differ from its natural and technological counterparts? How do states respond to terrorist threats?
3. Visit the websites for your state homeland security office. Where in government is this office? What grants and other resources/assistance does it provide to local governments and citizens of the state? Is this office collocated with the Office of Emergency Management, or is it a separate office? What is the experience of the head or lead executive of the office?
4. What is the purpose of the 9/11 commission? What did the commission find? What did the two 9/11 – related after-action reports say about the capabilities of first responders? How much money did the federal government spend in the response to and recovery from 9/11 attacks? What has been the most significant result of the 9/11 attacks for the state and local emergency managers?
5. Research and write a two page or more essay describing Hurricane Katrina…its impact on New Orleans, the region and emergency management. What did the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act do? How did Hurricane Katrina affect terrorism preparedness in the United States?


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