This paper is about; Epidemiology of complications of diabetes in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, this survey will be the source of the epidemiology of diabetes
Epidemiology of complications of diabetes in Saudi Arabia
HI Here some points for the research proposal and also I uploaded the guideline, and the latest survey is the one that was done by the Saudi health ministry in cooperation with Washington University in the USA in 2014. Therefore, this survey will be the source of the epidemiology of diabetes. As well as you will find some links for the national health information center and some useful links.
1- what we see amongst the Chinese population compared to Europeans is that they’re at lower risk of heart disease but much higher risk of kidney disease. So it would be really interesting to know in the Saudi population, you know, what are the key risks, or key complications of diabetes, and whether they’re in it, the Saudis are more like the Europeans or more like the Chinese or something in between, within the UK, looking at people of African or Caribbean origin, they’re much higher risk of stroke, but a lower risk of heart disease.So that’s possibly in relation to differences in blood pressure and, lipids as well
2-Incidence and prevalence of diabetes in Saudi Arabia
3-The sources of data national health information center(NHIC) Need to collect data, for example, electronic data
4- Describing basic Epidemiology of complications of diabetes using ICD cod
5-For analyses data use (a program for statistical analysis( R) and justify why did you use it (primary data)
6-Increasing recognition of the importance of diabetes in Saudi Arabia
7-The most recent are a bit old One of the plans for Ph.D. update for the data in the recent data in Saudi Arabia
8-Sorts of the study design that would be use d?
9-what you might be able to look at both patterns of risk factors and patterns of complications in the Saudi population.
10-One of the aim of doing this research is not just to describe it, but to enable changes in health services Can we do some comparing in the geographical area between the region in Saudi Arabia
11-This knowledge is useful because can be use d to improve health services
12-Limited of researches being done about metabolic syndrome in Saudi Arabia
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