Present the basic tenets of one of the theories listed in the readings for this activity

  • Present the basic tenets of one of the theories listed in the readings for this activity
  • Apply an interprofessional theory as a framework to address a nursing management, informatics, case management, infection prevention and control, or nursing education situation

Suggested Readings & Materials:

  • eLibrary Book of your choice.
  • Library scholarly article applying a non-nursing theory of your choice. 
  • Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory – McCabe, B. E., Plotnikoff, R. C., Dewar, D. L., Collins, C. E., Y Lubans, D. R. (2015). Social cognitive mediators of dietary behavior change in adolescent girls. American Journal of Health Behavior, 39(1)
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory – Bayoumi, M. (2012). Identification of the needs of haemodialysi patients using the concept of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Journal of Renal Care, 38(1), 43-49
  • Conflict Theory – McKibben, L. (2017). Conflict management: Importance and implications. British Journal of Nursing26(2), 100-103
  • Self Determination Theory –Stijn, A.H. Oenema, A., Bolman C., & Lechner, L. (2016). Motivational interviewing and self-determination theory in a web-based computer tailored physical activity intervention: a randomized controlled trial. Psychology and Health, 31(8), 907-930
  • Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ Grief Theory
  • Lewin’s Theory of Change – Wojciechowski, E., Pearsall, T., Murphy, P., & French, E. (2016). A Case Review: Integrating Lewin’s Theory with Lean’s System Approach for Change. Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing21(2), 1. doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol21No02Man04
  • Malcom Knowle’s Adult Learning Theory -Blozen, B. (2017). The road to NCLEX-RN success. Journal of the New York State Nurses Association, 45(2), 5-12

Additional Instructions:

  1. All submissions should have a title page and reference page. 
  2. Utilize a minimum of three scholarly resources.
  3. Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  4. Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
  5. Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Options:
Choose One: Instructions:
Paper 3 to 5-page paper. Include a title and reference page.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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