Explain the successes of the communist economy and mortality decline

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to explain the successes of the communist economy and mortality decline. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Explain the successes of the communist economy and mortality decline

Explain the successes of the communist economy. Central planning did achieve remarkable successes, be it in education and in mortality decline but also in economic performance. In making use of the Fordist standardized mass production economic growth rates were initially high, but these countries saw later declining rates of growth.

What were the raisons for its decline? The two most common explanations point to the system’s inability to innovate and its inability to substitute capital for labor.Elaborate on these arguments after reading the following articles: Sapir 1980 Economic Growth and Factor Substitution: What Happened to the Yugoslav Miracle. Economic Journal, 90 (358), 294-313. Carlin, Shaffer and Seabright (2012). Soviet Power plus Electrification: What is the long-term legacy of Communism? Explorations in Economic History, 50 (1), 116-147. Easterly & Fischer 1995 The Soviet Economic Decline World Bank Economic Review 9(3): 341-371. Vonyo 2017 War and Socialism: Why Eastern Europe fell behind between 1950 and 1989. Economic History Review 70 (1), 248-274. Remember the paper should examine communism’ historical economic performance.

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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