Why were Christians persecuted under earlier Roman emperors? How did the Edict of Milan change the standing of Christianity in the Roman empire?Explain


1. What did Cleisthenes’ reforms give to Classical Greece?

2. How was Sparta ruled and describe the role of women in this society?

3. What was the outcome of the Athenian expeditionary force sent to attack Syracuse in Sicily? How did Athens eventually fall from its powerful, prestigious position as the leader of the Delian League? Explain how Pericles’ creation of misthophoria strengthen Athenian democracy?

4. What method of philosophical inquiry did Socrates, Aristotle and Plato most often employ? How were libraries and museums in Alexandria different from Plato’s Academy and Aristotle’s Lyceum?

5. Which of the following is an example of Greek influence in Hellenistic culture? How did Hellenization impact the local populations?

Chapter 8

1. Describe the relationship between the Romans and the Etruscans?

2. How was the Etruscan form of government different from the surrounding Italics?

3. Each of the seven Kings of Rome are credited with Tradition or building in the city landscape. Discuss Romulus and his establishment of voting and class structures.

4. From where did the ultimate authority of the Roman senate derive?

5. Summarize the grievances Julius Caesar’s assassins held against him.

6. Name the Five Good Emperors and discuss one of the Five Good Emperors? What things were done by emperors to celebrate times of peace?

7. Why were Christians persecuted under earlier Roman emperors? How did the Edict of Milan change the standing of Christianity in the Roman empire?

8. Which of the following did Diocletian do to establish the Tetrarchy?How was the Tetrarchy structured?

The links for each chapters are down below in the document

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Reference no: EM132069492

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