Public Relations

    Public Relations is a communication-based function which identifies and evaluates relationships with a sport organization’s key specific publics, with a general goal of fostering and improving desirable relationships between them. Managerial strategies in public relations then become part…

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Developmental Psychology

    Imagine you are a Developmental Psychologist and you are reviewing new information about a developmental topic (e.g., delay of gratification, corporal punishment, gender-typed behavior, racial inequalities). In this paper, you will review empirical evidence about that topic and…

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Public Opinion

  In your original post you must: Identify an opinion poll based on the United States government that interest you from Pew Research Describe what the poll was measuring and how the poll was administered (located under the “How…

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Genre Analysis and Audience Analysis

    For this assignment, you will return to your Genre Analysis and Audience Analysis in order to construct a type of text appropriate for sharing research results. This assignment will have two components the Professional Text and a critical…

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A speech on a foreign culture

    Pick any particular art form from any country This assignment requires you to choose an art form that is representative of a particular culture. Your challenge is to “think outside of the box” and steer clear of commonly…

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1. Examine the future of emergency management, challenges facing emergency management including the impact of climate change, cybersecurity and all hazards, mitigation and the National Flood Insurance Program, national leadership and institutional change and the recent Russian hack on the…

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