Review the pricing strategy for the company’s top three products or services. Develop a new pricing strategy for one of these products or services. Provide a rationale for your new pricing strategy.

Determine any strategic partnerships the company could develop that would help promote both companies. Construct a strategy for managing the company’s top-selling product or service. Provide a rationale for your strategy. Review the pricing strategy for the company’s top three…

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Public relations theories

Analysis of the Public Relations ExampleW.Write an analysis of the given PR example. Use the following guiding questions to help you: 1. What kind of PR example is it? Identify the genre of this PR example and explain your answer…

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Implant Dentistry

Y​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ou need to restore an implant in the lower left 6 region. Discuss the factors that you would consider when deciding:- i. Whether to use an open or a closed tray technique for the working impression ii. What impression material(s)…

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Public Relation Skills

Imagine that Beyond Meat is now launching its signature products in Hong Kong for the first time and Parknshop has been chosen as the first retail chain to have all Beyond Meat’s signature products available for sale. Rewrite this PR…

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