Briefly explain what Comprehensive Sexuality Education is and summarize what podcast guest Frédérique Chabot says are two things that CSE can achieve.


1. In the podcast, “Sex education — not just about putting condoms on bananas” , Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is described as an approach to sex-ed that goes far beyond the stereotype of putting a condom on a banana. Briefly explain what Comprehensive Sexuality Education is and summarize what podcast guest Frédérique Chabot says are two things that CSE can achieve. Be sure to include timestamps.

First in-text citation: (Neigh, February 4, 2020: 00:00)

Subsequent citations require only timestamp (00:00)


2.Use the video, “The Sterilization of Leilani Muir” to help explain how compulsory sterilization at the Provincial Training School in Red Deer, Alberta, can be understood as an example of stratified reproduction. Include and define key terms. Be sure to draw your answer from the required resources (specifically, Moore & Casper.)

First in-text citation: (Moore & Casper, 2015, p. XX) or (National Film Board of Canada, 2011, 00:00)

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Reference no: EM132069492

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