Business scenario: In this assignment, we will learn how to create dimensional modelsfor OLAP database by applying a 4-steps dimensional model. Please install AdventureWorks database, read the AdventureWorks casestudy,and analyzethe ERD OLTP schemathat you can find in this week assignment before starting this assignment.Q1:The CEO of AdventureWorks Inc. wants to build a data mart to keep track of the saleorders’lifecycle. Specifically, he wants to know the total numbers of orders when they are ordered, due, and shipped to the customer. Provide a 4-stepsdimensional model in the SQL comment section (2 points) and create a data mart solution in SQL for the dimension model that you propose (2 points).Q2:The CEO of AdventureWorks Inc.wants to build two data martsto keep track ofsalesperformance. He is concerned with how effective each salesperson can sell products to the customer. To measure the effectiveness of each salesperson, he wants to use total numbers of orders and sales performance ratio (defined by SalesYTD divided by SalesLastYear). Besides, he wants to know his company’s monthlysales performance.Specifically, he wants to keep track ofmonthlytax effectiveness (defined by Tax Amount divided by Sales SubTotal)and monthly sales amount.Provide a 4-stepsdimensional model in the SQL comment section (2 points) and create data mart solutionsin SQL for the dimension model that you propose (4 points)