Psychodynamic theory and practice has enframed much of basic assumptions of therapeutic care, but often those assumptions are left, ironically, un-analyzed (e.g., unilinear development, the unconscious and being able to consciously know the unconscious, the authority and truth keeper of the analyst, analysis as the translation of experience into meta-psychological schemas, here and now healing as exploring then and there, and the defect-based starting place of a hermeneutic of suspicio.
Pick a critique of psychodynamic theory by challenging an historical assumption about one of these ideologies, and what difference it would make for current psychodynamic practice.
Assigned Reading: (Please feel free to include an outside source)
Chapter 10 Only- Larsson, P. Psychological healing: Historical and philosophical foundations of professional psychology. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock. ISBN: 978-1532600616.
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