Choose options from each category to design your own case study. Once you have selected one option from each category, you will use that profile to write a case study report. Do not use the same chemical you researched in Unit II. Be creative in developing your character by giving a name, occupation (if applicable), identity, and description of the individual and the situation and circumstances of the case study. The details of the effects of the chemical exposure should be supported by your references.
Step 1: Identify a specific chemical from ONE of these categories:
a. fungicide,
b. rodenticide,
c. herbicide, or
d. insecticide.
Step 2: Choose a profile of the individual affected:
a. adult or
b. child.
Step 3: Research at least two incidents of exposure of the chemical.
Step 4: Develop a case study of exposure of your chemical to the individual. Discuss the following in your case study
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