Economic analysis on Markets for carbon capture and sequestration

1)- Find a few actual real world implemented projects and policies in the area of your topic. (25 points) 2)- Discuss the environmental problem(s) to be solved by your choices of projects or programs. (10 points) 3)- Very briefly review the economic theory underlying the solution(s) implemented in your cases to solve the abovementioned environmental problem(s). Please note that in this essay we are focusing on economic tools, policies, and market mechanisms to solve the environmental problems. (10 points) 4)- You can discuss and review many projects, but you need to expand at least a few of them in more details in order to compare them, in terms of the incentive structure (the role of private/government in the project), managerial and implementation structures, geographical coverage, sectoral coverage, the final outcomes and effectiveness of the programs to achieve the goals (whether they were successful or unsuccessful). (40 points) 5)- General organization, quality of presentation, creativity and elaboration of the paper and also proper referencing. (15 points) The quality of analysis always matters more than quantity.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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