William’s Article, “Roddie”

1) Compare and contrast the experiences, lives, or behaviors of two groups of people within the novel, A Lesson Before Dying based on at least one cultural factor such as sex/gender, marital status, race, age, education level, socio-economic status, etc. For example you might point out the different points of view between one of the characters with formal education (e.g. college degree) from someone without a formal college education in terms of how they viewed their responsibility to society/community). In other words, do these groups differ in their perspectives of what is right and wrong, what is relevant or irrelevant, appropriate or inappropriate?
2) Give and describe at least one specific example from the novel providing chapter and page numbers that supports your response to question #1 above. (Here you would describe a scene or interaction in the novel that highlights the two different points of view). Provide citations where appropriate, provide chapter and page number(s), character names, etc.
Recently, William “Roddie” Bryan Jr., the man who confessed to making the video of Ahmaud Arbery being shot and killed while jogging in a Georgia neighborhood was described by his attorney as “a mechanic with a high school education, and if you’ve ever been to the high schools around here that isn’t necessarily saying much”. How was this type of talk similar to what Jefferson’s attorney said about him? If you were in Jefferson’s position, would you have wanted him to use that strategy? Why or why not? What similar strategy was used in the novel? What affect did that strategy have on Jefferson? His Aunt?
Then and Now: Describe examples from the novel where you think there is evidence that race relations between blacks and whites are (1) the same/haven’t changed from the time period in which this story takes place, and (2) where there are clear differences in race relations between blacks and whites as they stand now (21st century). Do you think the outcome would be the same if Jefferson were on trial today? Why or why not?

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Reference no: EM132069492

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