Choose ONE from the list!!
- Did colonialism play a critical role in the rise of industrial capitalism in
Europe? - To what extent does Ricardo’s Labour Theory of Value propose a radically different interpretation of international trade relations than the mercantilists?
- What does the Marxian analysis of the social relations of production bring to the study of International Political Economy?
- Critically assess the nature of the economic system as it was it was viewed by the marginalists.
- In what ways can race be incorporated in an IPE feminist critique of: (1)reproductivework; OR
(2) global production networks; OR
(3) microcredit as a development strategy.
(Please choose only one option). - Are capital controls necessary for effective full employment policies? Critically discuss how the Bretton Woods System relates Keynesian principles and how international capital market liberalisation impacts economic policy.
- What does a post-colonial perspective bring to the study of the world economic system?
- Did neoliberalism solve the social and economic problems of the 1970? Critically assess neoliberalism and its impact.
10.In what fruitful ways can neo-Gramscian hegemony be deployed in analyses of how power operates in the contemporary global economy?
Sample Solution
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