- Reflect: Describe what you did (include the agency name if you chose option A) and what you learned. Explain.
- Reflect: Describe the significance of this experience for yourself. In your response you should include how you felt while doing this, what you learned about
yourself from this experience, and how giving to others made you feel about yourself. Explain. - Reflect: Describe how this experience has changed you. In your response you should also include what you wanted to get out of this opportunity and how
your goals were met? Explain. - Apply: How does your service-learning experience reflect what sociologist C. Wright Mills meant by the sociological imagination? Be sure to include your
definition of the sociological imagination. Make sure the explanation is CLEAR. - Apply: Apply the 3 theoretical perspectives to your service-learning experience. You might need to think broadly for the macro level perspectives.
- Apply: Apply 6 concepts (besides sociological imagination and the 3 theoretical perspectives) you learned in class this semester to your experience. List
each concept and describe how each were brought to life where you served or through your service activity.Concepts to Consider (emboldened and italicized):
➢ What are some of the obstacles you faced (by others or institutions, etc.) in trying to achieve your objective/spreading the word? What personal obstacles
did you face in seeking social change? Obstacles can be physical and ideological. For example, having resources that facilitate a movement are necessary.
Resource mobilization refers to the ways in which a social movement utilizes such resources as money, political influence, access to the media, and…
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