Track composition in a digital application workstation




KU1 – Explain track composition in a digital application workstation 5
KU2 – Identify and order different sounds in a frequency spectrum 5
KU3 – Examine parametric Equalisation within a context. 5
KU4 – Identify and report different sounds in a track. 5
KU5 -Distinguish/clarify the need of Audio or/and MIDI effects. 5
KU6 – Present a sound brief to explain an audio project within a gaming
strategy. 5
KU7 – Identify the role of interactive composition in dynamic music 5
AA1 – Apply Equalisation filters using pillars and/or pre-sets 7
AA2 – Apply routing processes between channels. 7
AA3 – Produce realistic sounds with the use of VSTs/Plug-ins. 7
AA4- Investigate the use compressors/expanders within an audio track. 7
AA5 – Develop automation in an audio project. 7
SE1- Manage sound improvements and implementations within a context. 10
SE2- Evaluate the use of proper sound dynamics within a context. 10
SE3 – Justify different techniques and present alternatives or improvements 10
Total Mark 100
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Sound Engineering
Bachelors of Science (Hons.)
Home assignment
Assignment Guidelines
Read the following instructions carefully before you start the assignment. If you do not
understand any of them, ask your lecturer.
• This assignment must be attempted by each student and all tasks should be
completed individually. Note that it consists of four Sections: A, B, C and D.
• Note that you must submit your assignment via Moodle using the assignment
upload facility. You will need to upload a compressed (.zip) file with your name,
surname and class.
• Copying and plagiarism are strictly prohibited and will be penalised in line with
the College’s disciplinary procedures. Any students caught copying during the
exam will be disqualified immediately and corrective action will be taken in line
with the college disciplinary procedures.
• The deadline for this home assignment is set to 29
th January 2021
• The provided project templates are there to help you. Do not attempt to
delete or modify the templates structure as you may lose marks!
• You are required to create a screen cast (video uploaded on-line) explaining
your game by answering questions from an assignment sheet that shall be
uploaded on Moodle.
• This assignment carries a total of all the marks (100%) of the overall unit.
Your job in this assignment is to create, document and test a casual game that will
highlight both music and sound interactivity at different game phases. The game
must target a particular platform that can be either Mac or Windows.
You will need to make use of the following software:
• Unity 2020.1.5
• Ableton Live 10.1 or above
• Fmod Studio 2.01.05 or above
It is under your responsibility that the software will work coherently, that is in a
consistent manner (no run-time errors that hinder proper game functionality).
Note that you must fill in a project plan that is available in this assignment and on
Moodle. A demonstration is also attached in this assignment.
You will need to create at least two Ableton projects (both may be in the same
directory) and one FMOD project. All project templates have been provided from
The first project shall contain the sound effects used in the game. The second project
will include the background music created. This project will require the most work,
where you will include both audio and MIDI tracks. You may use external sound
samples, although not a requirement.
The FMOD project should contain samples exported from Ableton only, that means
you are not permitted to use samples directly in FMOD studio.
Ableton project templates have been provided on Moodle to be downloaded. It is very
important that you download these templates and modify in accordance to the
requirements of this assignment.
Your FMOD project has been povided on Moodle to be downloaded. The project must
use assets from both Ableton projects. Please stick to the naming convention provided.
Section A – Project plan description (KU6)
Use the sound project plan template below to define in some detail what nature of
samples you intend to use for the game. You need to submit this template along with
your assignment. A project plan template has been provided below. It includes a
description of the type of game (adventure, strategy, action, board game, first person
shooter etc…) you intend to create.
The project plan is divide in tow parts and each part is related to the Ableton projects
that needs to be uploaded. The first part will include descriptions regarding the music
in the game. The second part will include descriptions regarding the sounds related
to game actions.
Note also that you need to provide at least 4 music clips and 6 in-game modified SFX
samples in your project plan.
At the last section of this sound project plan you will include a references section. This
section consists of the name of the links used for the samples and their link reference,
in the case of ready made samples. This section will be handed in with your
assignment submission.
An example of a filled-in sound plan template
Name and surname: _______Joe Borg_______________________________________
Game Type:_____________First Person shooter_______________________________
Brief Description: ____This fps is the shoot them all kind of game in an imaginary world.
The player has a total of three lives where he will be stationed in front of a prison gate to
make it all the way up to the king’s castle where he is to find hidden treasures. On the way
to the castle the player will encounter zombies, looters, and military and castle guards. The
player must also be careful not to let the looters enter the king’s castle and find steal the
treasures before the player does! Sound samples shall be used to immerse the player in the
game hinting the enemy type that appears. ________
Backing Music SamplePack description
Sample/Clip 1: __Main menu and titile screen music __________________
Description:___Ambient music that plays at static screens(menu) until the player starts the
actual gameplay___________________
Sample/Clip 2: ___Game play calm music______________________________
Description:____Actual gameplay. When player exits the prison and encounter the calm
outside world______________
Sample/Clip 3: ____Intense music_____________________________
Description:___Actual game play. Player encounter zombies________
Sample/Clip 4: ____Winning music chant_______________________________________
Description:____Actual gameplay. Player finds all the treasure and wins______________
Game SoundsEffects SamplePack description
Sample 1: _____Gun fire____________________________________________
Description:____Bullet shots from fire arms available to the player to kill the
Sample 2: ______Wolf howling___________________________________
Description:____Wolf howling heard in the distant___________________
Sample 3: ____Zombie hit__________________________________________
Description:___Zombie hit by bullet shots from player’s firerm_____________
Sample 4: ____Zombie death_____________________
Description:___Zombies dies after being hit three times from player’s firearm_______
Sample 5: _____Looter stealing treasure________________________________
Description:____Looter steals the treasure from the castle_____________________
Sample 6: ______Player finds treasure_______________________________
Description:____Player finds the treasure in the castle____________________
KU6: Present a sound brief to explain an audio project
Mark Obtained:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information, plan does not reflect
work done.
Lowest Quality (2 marks): Not all samples/clips used in the project are
described. Descriptions might not be appropriate.
Best Quality (5 marks): All samples/clips appropriately described.
Section B – Sound Effects template (KU2,KU3,AA4,SE1)
In this section you will create the game sounds that will be used in the game. You need
to download the name_surname_class SoundEffects template Project from Moodle
and rename it accordingly.
Make sure you include the raw samples in channels (raw #1 – raw #6) and added
Ableton effects in (mix #1 – mix #6) accordingly. Do not include Ableton effects in the
other channels as they are bypassed by default. The return tracks have also been
provided for you.
1. Explain the use of a gate effect in Ableton Live. What is its purpose? Show one
example of using a gate effect in your project. (KU2)
2. Provide appropriate samples according to the project plan in each raw channel.
No effects in raw channels. Make use of subtractive EQ in at least five mix
channels, at the same time attaining a level between negative 4 dbs and
negative 2 dbs. (KU3)
3. In the sound effects template, audio effects have been provided on each return
track. Provide an example of parallel compression using the provided effects.
No marks are given for other Ableton effects added to answer this question.
You may use screen shots to further clarify your explanation. (AA4)
4. Export each mix channel namming the improved sound effect accordingly for
later use in Fmod. Note that each imported sample or SFX should have at least
two proper modifications. In your documentation, provide a write-up
describing how each mix was improved, for example the parameter changes in
the audio effects used. (SE1)
KU2: Identify and order different sounds within the frequency spectrum.
Mark Obtained:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Low Quality (2 marks): Gate effect device correctly explained.
Good Quality (3 marks): The use of the device is correctly revealed.
Best Quality (5 marks): An example in the project is clearly demonstrated.
KU3: Examine parametric Equalisation within a context.
Mark Obtained:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Lowest Quality (1 marks): Some samples according to plan.
Low Quality (2 marks): All samples according to plan.
Good Quality (3 marks): Subtractive EQ correctly provided for some channels.
Better Quality (4 marks): Subtractive EQ correctly provided for all channnels.
Best Quality (5 marks): Better quality and correct db level attained.
AA4: Investigate the use compressors/expanders within an audio track.
Mark Obtained:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Lowest Quality (1 mark): Some form of parallel compression shown.
Good Quality (4 marks): Proper use of parallel compression.
Best Quality (7 marks): Clear use and explanation provided with use of diagrams
where needed.
SE1: Manage sound improvements and implementations within a context.
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Good quality (5 marks): Exported mix channels with proper modifications as
Best Quality (10 marks): Good quality and correct documentation provided per
mix channel.
Section C – Backing music template (KU1,KU4,KU5,AA1,AA3,SE2)
A template name_surname_class backing music template Project has been provided
for you on Moodle. Open and rename the template replacing acccordingly with your
name, surname and class. Note that there are six scenes named Menu, calm music,
intense music, climax to intense, winning chant and loosing chant. Locators (arrange
accordingly to question 6) have been provided if you prefer to use the Arrangement
view instead. Note that you may answer questions in any order you like, however
do label appropriately.
1. Your sound system has to react to the actions generated by the player in the
game. Identify a gameplay scenario that suites your game from below and
describe briefly how you plan to use it in your game. (KU1)
• Player generated music
• Diegetic music
• Extra-diegetic music
2. Introduce a compositional technique in your game and briefly explain how it
is used. (KU1)
3. Create drum loops in the Drums channel. Note that a drum rack has already
been provided for you. You need to make use of at least three percussion
samples in the drum rack. You need to provide at least two drum patterns, for
example one for calm and another for intense. (KU4)
4. Use the full bucket fb3300 or Tyrell N6 VST available on Moodle and hook it
up with your VST instr #1 channel. Create a MID clip under this channel with
several notes and related information. This clip should be at least 4 measures
long. (AA3)
5. Use one of each effects from the following:
a. Audio effect in device chain
b. Max-for-Live effect in device chain
c. Provided audio effect in return track
These can be applied either on Drums channel or VST instr #1 channel. Two
of them must be in your device chain and differ from the effects on the return
tracks. At each stage audio improvement must be noted. Document the
changes made for such improvements which includes both audio effects and
parameters changed. (AA3)
6. Create or make use of another midi clip in the instr #2 MIDI channel. Apply
two MIDI effects to enhance the music abilities of the MIDI clip. The clip must
be at least four measures long. (KU5)
7. Create or make use of another midi clip that uses the Instr#3 Wavetable
channel. Use all the oscillators (sub, osc1 and osc2) to make your sound more
complex. Use at least one envelope and one LFO to increase dynamics in your
sound. Save this preset with your name. (SE2)
8. Instr #2 Group has been provided for you for use of a MIDI and audio tracks.
Provide the neccesary samples or clips which would make sense with the music
you are creating. Provide necceary audio effects using either the return tracks
or an audio effect of your choice. (SE2)
9. Apply equalization on each channel in either this project or the sound effects
project. However please state where each filter has been applied in your
document. Make sure you apply one of each of the below: (AA1)
a. Low pass filter
b. High pass filter
c. Bell or notch filters
d. High-shelf or low-shelf filters
e. Band pass filter
10. Provide the following music according to the locators or scenes in the backing
music template. Export the music for use in Fmod (SE2):
a. 10s of static menu music
b. 20s of calm music
c. 2s to 5s climax music
d. 20s of intense music
e. 2s – 5s winning chant
f. 2s – 5s loosing chant
KU1: Explain track composition in a Digital Application Workstation
Mark Obtained:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information, questions incorrectly
Lowest Quality (2.5 marks): Correct answer to q1 or q2.
Best Quality (5 marks): Correct answer to both q1 and q2.
KU4: Identify and report different sounds in a track.
Mark Obtained:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Lowest Quality (1 mark): At least three samples have been used
Good Quality (3 marks): One correct drum midi pattern created.
Best Quality (5 marks): Two correct drum midi patterns created
AA3: Produce realistic sounds with the use of VSTs/Plug-ins.
Mark Obtained on question 4
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Lowest Quality (1 marks): A VST has been properly hooked up and used.
Low Quality (3 marks: Lowest quality four measures of proper MIDI
Mark Obtained on question 5
Good Quality (5 marks): Low quality and two audio effects created with proper
modifications on all including return track.
Best Quality (7 marks): Good quality proper documentation provided.
KU5: Distinguish/clarify the need of Audio or/and MIDI effects.
Mark Obtained:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Lowest Quality (1 mark): One MIDI clip have been used, no modifications done.
Good Quality (3 marks): One Midi clip used, one MIDI effect provided.
Best Quality (5 marks): One Midi clip used, two MIDI effect provided, and clip
is at least 4 measures long.
AA1: Apply Equalisation filters using pillars and/or pre-sets.
Mark Obtained:
Please see to the descriptions below
Q9a (1 mark): Correct filter application.
Q9b (1 mark): Correct filter application.
Q9c (2 marks): Correct filter application.
Q9d (1 mark): Correct filter application.
Q9e (2 mark): Correct filter application.
SE2: Evaluate the use of proper sound dynamics within a context.
Mark Obtained Question 7:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Low Quality (1mark): Wavetable roughly modified as per requirements in
Best Quality (2marks): Wavetable correctly modified as per requirements in
Mark Obtained Question 8:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Low Quality (1mark): Instr #2 Group roughly modified as per requirements in
Best Quality (2marks): ): Instr #2 Group correctly modified as per requirements
in question.
Mark Obtained Question 10:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Winning chant (0.25 mark): Winning chant as per requirements in question.
Loosing chant (0.25 mark): Loosing chant as per requirements in question.
Static menu (1 mark): Static menu as per requirements in question.
Climax music (0.5 mark): Climax music as per requirements in question.
Calm music (2 marks): Calm music as per requirements in question.
Intense music (2 marks): Intense music as per requirements in question.
Section D – Game testing (KU7,AA2,AA5, SE3)
In this section you will download the Fmod project from moodle. Rename it
accordingly keeping the convention: name_surname_class.fspro
You will also need to test the sounds in an actual Unity game according to your
project plan. There is no need to upload the game but you need to create a
screen cast playing the game and demonstrating what you created.
1. Research and describe the difference between horizontal re-sequencing and
vertical re-mixing in dynamic music game composition. Show an example on
each. (KU7)
2. Create appropriate music events in Fmod under Music folder. Use re-mixing
and/or re-sequencing techniques in two mixes that you have created for your
game. In your write-up make sure you appropriately demonstrate how you
applied such techniques using screenshots where required. (AA2)
3. Use an Fmod audio parameter in your game to further demonstrate the use of
an interactive sound system likewise: (AA5)
a. Create an Fmod parameter in your fmod project. Make sure that the
parameter properly controls at least two automations.
b. Make use of Fmod API helper methods in Unity to create appropriate
sound parameter control in the game.
c. Demonstrate step- by- step how the parameter is being used in the game.
4. Create appropriate sound FX events under Game Sounds folder. Make sure
you answer all the following questions to create your game sounds (SE3):
a. Multi-sample containers (You need at least two sounds)
b. Loops
c. Random pitch modulation
d. Fmod effect devices
5. Test your game in Unity. Use the Fmod studio listener, event emitters, and
trigger zones and/or parameters to test all your sounds. In your write-up justify
how Fmod was used to make minimize repetition. Finally create a screen cast
demoing all in-game music, SFX and DSP. Upload the video and provide a
link in the documentation. Make sure that the video is correctly uploaded and
working otherwise all marks for this question shall be lost. (SE3)
KU7: Identify the role of interactive composition in dynamic music
Mark Obtained:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Good Quality (2.5 mark): Differences between re-mixing and re-sequencing
correctly shown OR examples correctly provided.
Best Quality (5 marks): Both differences and examples are correctly provided.
AA5: Develop automation in an audio project.
Mark Obtained:
Please see to the descriptions below
Q3a (2 marks): An Fmod parameter has been correctly created in the project. This
includes the necessary automations.
Q3b (2 marks): Proper application of the Fmod API helper methods in Unity.
Q3c (3 marks): Proper documentation provided describing each stage.
AA2: Apply routing processes between channels.
Mark Obtained:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Lowest Quality (1 mark): Some application of re-mixing/re-sequencing
Good Quality (4 marks): Proper application of re-mixing/re-sequencing
Best Quality (7 marks): Good quality and proper provided.
SE3: Justify techniques learnt and present alternatives or improvements.
Mark Obtained question 4a, 4b, 4c,4d:
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Best Quality (1 mark each): Game sound properly created as per requirements
in question.
Mark Obtained question 5: Screen cast required to answer this question.
Inadequate Quality (0 marks): Inconsistent information.
Poor Quality (2 mark): A good number of game sounds can be heard in the
game together with game music.
Good Quality (3 mark): A good number of game sounds can be heard in the
game together with game music. Justification properly provided in the write-up.
Best Quality (6 marks):Good Quality and all game sounds and music can be
heard in game. Proper demonstration of screen cast provided.








The post Track composition in a digital application workstation first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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