Liquidity Ratio



prepare a report with the required information provided below. Use the same heading names (in bold) before presenting the information as requested.

Report Headings

Name of Company and Ticker Symbol: (Facebook Inc) company name, ticker symbol

10-K Report: Paste the direct URL to the company’s most recent 10-K Report

Company Website: Paste the URL to the company’s website

Industry name and NAICS Code: Provide the name and NAICS code associated with the Industry Average data. (1 point)

Liquidity Ratios: Follow the formatting in the example below to present the data. See the sample eStatement Studies document posted under the Activities tab for help in finding the industry average data needed for this assignment.




Industry Average*

Current Ratio (CA/CL)

Quick Ratio [(CA-Inventory)/CL]

* list all 3 industry average figures for each ratio

Asset Utilization Ratios: Follow the formatting in the example below to present the data. See this sample eStatement Studies document (this study case correspond with week 5 in this sample) for help in finding the industry average data needed for this assignment.




Industry Average**

Inventory Turnover (CGS*/Inv.) )

Fixed Asset Turnover (Sales/Net PPE)

Total Asset Turnover (Sales/Total Assets)

*use Cost of Goods sold to make the comparison to the industry average more accurate.
** list all 3 industry average figures for each ratio

Evaluation: Share what we learn from the data and information collected for this discussion. Interpret each of the ratios and review the Financial Ratios Guidelines document for direction. Do you see any red flags? Does it appear as though the company may have difficulty paying its bills on time? Does it appear as though the company is making efficient use of its assets to generate sales? Sufficiently examining the data and information collected will likely require at least 250 words.

The post Liquidity Ratio first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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