Background You have just met with Ray Murdoch and Steve Brown, referred to you by another commercial client. Ray Murdoch and Steve Brown jointly own a successful and growing business that manufactures metal pallets. They trade under the name Pallets-R-Us…
Do you think the American Revolution changed the country more so than the Civil War? Why or why not?
Week 8 discussion Do you think the American Revolution changed the country more so than the Civil War? Why or why not? The post Do you think the American Revolution changed the country more so than the Civil War? Why…
a brief outline of the topic and why it is relevant, (2) a description of the opportunities and challenges, (3) examples of where it is in use and their experiences with it and/or possible applications for it, and
Course Project: PowerPoint Presentation You will create a PowerPoint presentation that should include: (1) a brief outline of the topic and why it is relevant, (2) a description of the opportunities and challenges, (3) examples of where it is in…
Who is the author and why is this topic important to him/her? 2. What was the main conflict this essay was trying to confront and solve? Use evidence from the essay.
Using your selected reading answer the following questions in a discussion post. You will select your own group for this assignment. 1. Who is the author and why is this topic important to him/her? 2. What was the main conflict…
Who are my readers? What is at stake for them? How can the information be presented so the readers will understand it and care about it?
Strategies for Writing: As I mentioned before, almost every piece of writing you do in college involves convincing someone of something, even if it is just convincing your professor that you know and understand something. For this piece of writing,…
Discuss what you have discovered about your topic and provide specific reasons and evidence to support your thesis statement.
Write a 10-12 page essay that discusses your research topic. Begin with a catchy first sentence and interesting first paragraph that explains why this topic is important to your intended audience. The first paragraph is also a good place to…
What ideas do you see repeated again and again? Feel free to quote the various sources to support your key points.
Determine the key points. The next 3-5 paragraphs will discuss the key points you discovered from reading your sources. In your essay, answer the following questions. Don’t type this as question then answer, but formulate the answers into paragraphs. Refer…
What is your hypothesis? What do we think we will find to be true once our formal research?
1. Why did we choose this topic? 2. What is your hypothesis? What do we think we will find to be true once our formal research? 3. How do we plan to gather information about our company/client? 4. What is…
How does social media affect contribution to public versus private goods in crowdfunding campaigns?
Investigate the following topics in their research project: • The Number one key to crowdfunding: Social Media • How does social media affect contribution to public versus private goods in crowdfunding campaigns? • Crowdfunding social media marketing and management. The…
How measurement methods relate to a study’s research question/hypothesis
Create a basic research proposal Evaluate a research proposal Identify the various types of data gathered in research studies Review the common sampling methods Explain how measurement methods relate to a study’s research question/hypothesis The post How measurement methods…