An informational pamphlet

    You are a lobbyist for an issue that you find important. For example, you would like to see the banning of smoking in federal buildings (Note: This policy has already been enacted.) You are going to make an…

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Cost accounting systems

  Costing systems provide information that is used for a large variety of business decisions including planning production of goods and services, pricing products, and controlling associated costs of production. Thus, the choice of an appropriate costing system is a…

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The use of mHealth in other countries

    Identify at least 3 main areas (benefits, data, research, challenges, results, statistics, etc.) that impressed or surprised you about the use of mHealth in other countries (Europe, Asia, North America – not US, Africa, Latin and South America).…

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The American Revolution

      As we have seen in this unit, the origins of the American Revolution were complicated. While the Declaration of Independence has long been viewed as the beginning of the Revolution, in reality, the storm had been brewing…

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No Place to Run

    Listen to the podcast titled: “No Place to Run” ( Is the experience of the protagonist consistent with your position on the causes of delinquency? Fully explain the basis of your opinion. Using a search engine of your…

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How heteronormativity exists

Give an example of how heteronormativity exists in a specific institution (eg. in education, health care, criminal justice system, etc.). What needs to happen inorder for heteronormativity to be dismantled in your specific example? Sample Solution The post How heteronormativity…

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The expectation of girls in a family

In the article titled: author identifies the role gender identity plays in delinquency. Based on your personal experiences growing up or current life experience, how would you describe the expectation of girls in your family, neighborhood, school and/or community?…

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