MBA Standards for Practice that govern your nursing practice



Q 1) Considering the NMBA Standards for Practice that govern your nursing practice, how will you deal with the following situation? It is your first rotation as a New Graduate Nurse in the cardiac unit. You responded to a patient call. When entering the room one of your patients was complaining of chest pain and another confused patient was trying to climb out of bed. How would you handle this situation? Reflect on how you would handle the stress of the job.
Q 2) Nurses have to comply with Occupational Health and Safety Standards. Describe a time you had to deal with an unsafe situation and what actions did you take?
Q 3) The completion of your bachelor’s degree is only the foundation of your development as a professional nurse. Ahead of you there is a lifelong of learning and autonomy. After obtaining employment, what is your short-term (within the next 6 months to 1 year) and long-term (within 2-5 years) career plan or commitment to professional development?


The post MBA Standards for Practice that govern your nursing practice first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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