Creating Resilience


That Ebola virus outbreak was wild. One of the first ways they went wrong was not by not taking it serious at the global level. Nine months into the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the WHO declared an international public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC). The agency agency was widely criticized for not making the declaration sooner, especially after early warnings from international aid groups like Doctors Without Borders (Nasa, 2019). This makes it seem as if on a global level the people of this region weren’t a priority. Being nine behind, there’s now at least nine months of damage control. That virus had nine months to travel. Additionally, it seems they weren’t even too concerned about the virus traveling. So when the WHO declared a global health emergency declaration in Congo, the organization warned against unnecessary closures of borders and transport routes to protect an already fragile economy (Nasa, 2019). Such a declaration sounds extremely demeaning. So much could’ve been done.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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