Correlation coefficient


Your community wants to open an adult daycare center. You have located the Farrel Foundation, which would like to fund start-up grants for daycare programs. This foundation’s research demonstrates a correlation between depression and length of time in a skilled nursing facility. A group of community residents feel that an adult daycare would allow the aging population to stay with their families while using the supplemental daycare services. You are asked to confirm the correlation between depression and length of stay in nursing homes in an effort to provide community options. Nursing home residents were asked to complete the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), which is a 15-item scale (a 15 represents a high level of depression).
Using the data in the Unit 4 Dataset, given in the resources, test whether length of stay in a nursing home and depression are related at a .05 level of significance.

1. Based on the value of the correlation coefficient, explain whether there is a significant relationship between length of stay and depression.
2. Based on the SPSS output, state the following factors:
• Sample size.
• Correlation coefficient.
• Significance (2-tailed).
3. Based on the correlation coefficient and given the value of r, provide a narrative conclusion:
• How might you explain the result of this correlation test?
• What other data might you analyze to advocate for an adult daycare in the community, if your finding is not statistically significant?

The post Correlation coefficient first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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