Encouraging Employees’ Physical Activity


Case Study: Encouraging Employees’ Physical Activity—What Would You Do? Employees at a small medical supply company in Cleveland with 44 employees went the extra miles last year to earn additional paid time off. And they want to do the same this year. Employees at the firm got one extra hour of paid time off for every 33,000 steps they take during the first 3 months of the year, for up to 3 extra days of paid leave. Many employees did laps around the parking lot at lunch and took extra walks after work at home. Earning time off with pay was a great motivator to get people moving. Fran Williams, the company owner, wants to keep his staff moving. He is looking for creative, fun ideas to encourage his employees to be physically active. If you were Mr. Williams, what would you do?

Fertman, Carl I.. Workplace Health Promotion Programs (pp. 239-240). Wiley. Kindle Edition.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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