How to Write an Excellent/Winning College Admission Essay

How to Write an Excellent/Winning College Admission Essay

High school graduates apply to join the best colleges and universities in their countries or abroad every year. Learning institutions in the United States attract the largest number of interested applicants from other nations due to the perceived educational quality. Before their requests are granted, students have to submit an admission essay. For young people who did not write such a document during their high-school learning, the task may cause anxiety. New university and college learners find it hard to present a coherent essay that excites the hiring board. Fortunately, this article will give you several tips on how to write an excellent college admission essay that portrays you as a competent and reliable person.

What Is an Admission/Application Essay?

Let’s start with the basics. An admission essay, also called an application essay, refers to the document detailing a student’s background, plans, and requests to join a particular institution. Unlike other essays, this type allows writers to use the first person. In other words, a student can write, “I am applying to join your college since it is one of the best. Typically, application essays are short, with most of them ranging between one and three pages. Having explained the meaning of an admission essay, let us now focus on the exact steps to writing one.

How Can I Write an Excellent Admission Essay?

  1. Start by Preparing Yourself.

Many students fail to write a good essay due to poor preparation. Instead of thinking and planning, most applicants just pick their laptops and compose a few lines. A good application essay takes commitment. After identifying your college or university of choice, conduct its background search. Go to its website and see the motto, organizational culture, and other values. Taking this step will help you write an admission essay highlighting your knowledge of the college or university and your willingness to conform to its ideals. Also, plan the number of pages that you are going to write. Unless directed otherwise, a good admission essay should not exceed three pages and should not be less than one page.

  1. Use A Professional and Friendly Tone.

After high school, you may be tempted to use slang and other urban languages in your essay. Some educators take exception to such writing and term them as lacking professionalism.

Therefore, avoid words that may be confused for something else. However, let your writing reflect a friendly tone, which involves using the second person, simple words, and combining humor. Also, writing professionally involves employing a concise approach. Avoid redundant words, jargon, and wordy sentences because the person reading your admission essay may not have the time to research ambiguous words. A professional tone makes your article interesting to read and conveys your message to your intended reader. Remember that your admission essay needs to have introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs.

  1. Explain Your Background

A good admission should start by telling your reader about yourself. However, do not go overboard on this. Limit your explanations to your name, previous school, academic performance in your last school, cultural background, and perhaps your nationality. You could also let the reader know how your upbringing has helped you achieve success up to this point. In essence, this part should answer the question: “Who am I?” Answering the question succinctly and comprehensively is imperative.

  1. Convey Your Skills

Your admission essay should be like a curriculum vitae, only that it is used in learning institutions. Mention your skills and competencies that make you unique. Please do not just say that you went to an excellent high school; many others did. Instead, write that you are good at emotional intelligence, cultural competence, team-player, leadership capabilities, and exceptional analytical skills. Connect these attributes with your previous achievements in school. In other words, let the reader know how these capabilities helped you in the past.

  1. State Your Ambitions

College and university administrators love to see young students with ambitions. Let your admission essay portray you as an individual with life goals that will transform other people’s lives. Do not just say that you intend to graduate with first-class honors. Go beyond that. Say something like, “I believe that studying in your institutions will help me realize the dream of becoming the US president who promotes equality and well-being of all communities.”

  1. Portray Yourself as A Solution Provider

In your admission essay, show that the college or university you intend to join can rely on you. Although you are going for learning, show the willingness and ability to make a difference. In this part, you can mention some of the small or significant achievements you made in society or previous school. Convincing the reader that you are a solution-oriented person is important because everyone wants someone proactive in solving existing challenges.


Now you have no reason to fear writing a good admission essay. Follow the tips discussed above, and you will succeed. Remember to start by preparing yourself. Preparation will require you to read about the university or college that you intend to join. After that, start writing using a professional and friendly tone. Start with your background without revealing unnecessary information. Let your reader know about your competencies. Show that you will be a solution-focused individual once admitted to the institution. Writing such an application essay will see you join the college or university that you have always desired.



How to Write an Excellent/Winning College Admission Essay




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Reference no: EM132069492

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