ISYS3375 Business Analytics | Essay Furious

ISYS3375 Business Analytics

Assessment Task 1: Business Analytics Exercises

Assessment Type: Individual written report for 2 cases

Word limit: 1500 words excluding tables and plots. (750 words per case.)

Weighting: 25%


In this assessment, you are required to submit an individual report for the following two cases:

  1. AuCement
  2. Ambulance Victoria

You are required to provide insights into large datasets for the two cases. You will use appropriate data visualization techniques with interpretations to communicate these insights in a managerial report.

Please note: Each report in the assessment is of equal weighting. Datasets are available for both cases in excel sheet form and attached with this file.

Please note: Datasets provided have been modified for this assessment. You can access the datasets on the assessment page in Canvas.

Learning Outcomes

After completion of this assessment, you should be able to:

  1. Work with real data and gain understanding of type of data available in various organizations.
  2. Apply basic analysis to understand the data in order to provide managerial insights.

Assessment details

Case 1: AuCement (Word limit: 750 words excluding tables and plots.)

AuCement want to research customer satisfaction on a new product across different Australian cities.

They produce many types of cement products at its factory in Sydney which they sell in Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, and Melbourne.

Six months ago, the company established a new cement facility to produce a new 20Kg packaged cement. The company sells this new product for a competitive price. In every contract the price of the product is partly based on the delivery time.

To investigate sales further, the company surveyed the customers who have purchased this new product and a sample of 50 receipts was selected.

For a better comparison, the delivery time has been scaled through dividing the hours spent for delivering the order by distance (kilometers) travelled and weight (kilograms) of the order.

The AuCement file (available on the Canvas assessment page) contains data showing the customer’s location, the payment type, the scaled delivery time, customer satisfaction, and price for every tonne of this product paid by each of 50 customers.

AuCement would like to get some insights from the collected data. You are required to use descriptive analytics methods to provide insights to the data sets.

Create a managerial report for AuCement

Apply the appropriate descriptive statistics methods to analyse the provided datasets for AuCement. You must include your interpretation of the data in your report.

MUST Include the following in your report:

  1. Executive Summary (In short)
  2. Introduction (In short)
  3. Data-visualization methods including 5 plots/tables that give insights on the AuCement dataset. (For example, use any five of them like Histogram, XY scatter plot, Line chart, Bar chart, Boxplot, stacked area, Pie chart, Pivot tables and so on.
  4. Your interpretation of each table or plot in one paragraph.
  5. Explain each table and figure.
  6. Each paragraph is limited to 150words.
  7. Data analysis and Discussions
  8. Conclusion (In short)
  9. Reference (If applicable)


  1. To use concise language
  2. To add titles to diagram axis
  3. Read and follow submission format details below.

Case 2: Ambulance Victoria (Word limit: 750 words excluding tables and plots.)

Ambulance Victoria has requested data on the performance of their Response Time (RT) target.

The RT target is to respond to incidents within 15 minutes for 85% of incidents state-wide. Response time is an important measure of the quality of service that they provide.

The response time is measured from the time that a triple zero (000) call was received until paramedics arrive on the scene. Response times are influenced by many factors including traffic, distance required to travel, availability of ambulances, and demand for the services.

The paramedics designate patients who require urgent paramedic and/or hospital care as “Code 1” and these patients receive a “lights and sirens” response.

The Ambulance Victoria dataset (available from the assessment page in Canvas) provides information regarding the “Code 1” response times for various Local Government Area (LGA) categories during the 3rd quarter of the financial year 2015-2016.

Create a managerial report for Ambulance Victoria

Apply the appropriate descriptive statistics methods to analyze the provided datasets for Ambulance Victoria. You must include your interpretation of the data in your report.

MUST Include the following in your report:

  1. Executive Summary (In short)
  2. Introduction (In short)
  3. Data-visualization methods including 5 plots/tables that give insights on the Ambulance Victoria dataset. (For example, use any five of them like Histogram, XY scatter plot, Line chart, Bar chart, Boxplot, stacked area, Pie chart, Pivot tables and so on.
  4. Your interpretation of each table or plot in one paragraph.
  5. Explain each table and figure.
  6. Each paragraph is limited to 150words.
  7. Data analysis and Discussions
  8. Conclusion (In short)
  9. Reference (If applicable)


  1. To use concise language
  2. To add titles to diagram axis
  3. Read and follow submission format details below.

Referencing guidelines

You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments. USE HARWARD STYLE format.

Submission format

The two reports must be uploaded as a single PDF document with Excel data visualisations pasted into the document.

Create your data visualisations in Excel and once completed, use the snipping tool (or similar, CTRL F4 on Mac) to bring the graphs, diagrams or tables from Excel into the report in Word. Then save as a PDF to upload. Don’t compress the PDF as this can make the visuals poor quality.

Upload as one single PDF file via the assignment’s submission page within Canvas.

Academic integrity and plagiarism

Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.

You should take extreme care that you have:

  • Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e., directly copied), summarized, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods,
  • Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites.

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own. University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct. Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviors, including:

  • Failure to properly document a source.
  • Copyright material from the internet or databases
  • Collusion between students


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Reference no: EM132069492

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