Graduate admission Essay for BSN-DNP PMHNP
Healthcare system and its practice environment have changed globally. The change has led to profound changes in nursing education. As a nurse, one goal should be undertaking a doctoral study. The doctoral study will ensure that one is well prepared to meet the health care needs of the diverse patients and function well as a leader. Also, one can advance their experience in the health sector to deliver quality and safe patient care.
Earning my undergraduate degree was one of my proudest accomplishments, despite my earlier life as an adult indicating a different path. With a long-life passion for helping individuals who require medical attention, I enrolled at my local college. This move gave me a chance to experience the opening of a different world. The new college environment was exciting and encouraging, and it made me excel academically. The undergraduate course work I undertook enabled me to prepare for my NCLEX-RN examination and later obtained a license. Not only was I able to become a certified nurse but also learnt how to work with diverse patients and to handle the varying number of duties in a clinical setting. With a bachelor’s degree, there was a chance for more advancement opportunities in nursing.
Undoubtedly, throughout my nursing career, I have been able to meet a fantastic crowd, and these individuals will stay in my heart, I can feel it. The diverse patients I work with have created friendship and family bonds. Also, as a nurse, I have learnt no particular day is the same, and this has been amazing. I can work on different duties and in various department. This has made me realize how the nursing world is an oyster. Patients have had a positive impact on me as a nurse. Every single thank you and smile when I offer my services gives me the feeling that I am good at what I do. I once handle a patient with mild cognitive impairment. My patient kept forgetting necessary matter like how to dress up. But one day he looked at me and called my name. That was the most rewarding feeling ever that I will take with me to the grave. As a nurse, I work along with a fantastic team of practitioners. The nursing team has shown me that if people work together, they can be able to learn from each other. I learnt that connecting strengths and weakness as a team would benefit the patient most.
Despite this, nursing has enabled me to showcase my strengths. Being a nurse has helped me to polish my communication skills. I have been competent in talking to patients effectively and make them understand their medical status. Also, effective communication empowered me to appreciate my supervisors and carry out their directives. Working with my colleagues has been easy too since I can avoid internal conflicts and handle any stressful situations that arise. As I perform my duties as a nurse, I have handle patients with different psychological and physical issues. In my moment of understanding and helping such patients, it has strengthened my empathy and compassion skills. Besides, due to the heavy workload in every shift, I have managed to manage my time skills effectively since I am capable of determining which task to perform first and save a life.
My DNP project was to “reduce 30-day readmittance into psychiatric inpatient facilities.” My thought is that readmission epitomizes poor patient outcomes which are due to lack of proper access to resources that handle mental health and challenges faced when adhering to the care plans. As a nurse being flexible and reliable has shaped my DNP project. According to Chung et al. (2017) to reduce the number of readmissions the administration should start prevention while patients are still in the hospital, and clinical focus should be emphasized shortly after being discharged. Reliability will aid me to handle psychiatric patients, and my superiors can count on me on fulfilling the job. At the same time, flexibility will empower me to sacrifice my time to work and offer my services without tire.
Chung, D. T., Ryan, C. J., Hadzi-Pavlovic, D., Singh, S. P., Stanton, C., & Large, M. M. (2017). Suicide rates after discharge from psychiatric facilities a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Medical Association, 74 (7), 694-702.
Graduate admission Essay for BSN-DNP PMHNP
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