Criminal Justice Capstone Project Submission

Competencies Addressed in This Assignment Competency 1: Apply an ethics-centered, evidence-based analysis to complex situations encountered by criminal justice practitioners. Competency 2: Explain the antecedents and consequences of crime in the broader context of interdisciplinary knowledge. Competency 3: Integrate theoretical, scientific, and practical methods in application to solve problems relevant to criminal justice. Competency 4: Describe effective conflict resolution techniques for culturally diverse group interactions. Competency 5: Assess the ethical, community-focused leadership skills required for successful criminal justice practitioners in a wide range of interactions. Competency 6: Employ the professional communication skills expected of a criminal justice practitioner. Assignment Description In this unit, you will submit your final Criminal Justice Capstone Project, fully incorporating the feedback you received on your drafts and inserting an Abstract, Conclusion (1–1.5 pages recapping key points), and an Appendix (if applicable). Note: Use a library tool such as RefWorks for the duration of your Criminal Justice Capstone Project to track your sources. Requirements See the Criminal Justice Capstone Project description for this assignment’s requirements. You are required to submit a draft of your paper to SafeAssign. Once you review your results and make any needed changes, submit your paper for grading. Resources Criminal Justice Capstone Project Submission Scoring Guide. APA Paper Template [DOC]. Criminal Justice Capstone Project Overview and Outline [DOC]. APA Style and Format. Criminal Justice Undergraduate Research Guide. RefWorks. Smarthinking. SafeAssign. Writing Feedback Tool. Capella Writing Center. Previous assignments and overview are tag at bottomCriminaljustice1.docxCriminalJusticeCapstoneProjectPartialDraftFive.edited1.docxcf_cap_proj_overview_outline1.doc

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Reference no: EM132069492

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