Gifting Problem


Suppose you are in charge of a non-profit organization that receives donated gifts and distributes them to
needy children. You are given a list of children with their ages (0 to 16 years old).
For each gift, you are given the following information:
Retail price
Size of gift (cubic feet)
Range of suitable ages

Let: P = sum of retail prices of the gifts
N = total number of children
ei = | P/N – sum of retail prices for gifts given to child i |
You must minimize Σ ei for the N children, subject to the following constraints:
1. Each gift must be given to exactly one child.
2. No child may be given a gift that is not intended for their age.
3. Each child must receive at least one large and one medium gift, where 1 ft3 <= medium gift <= 2 ft3, and
2 ft3 < large gift.
4. The number of gifts received by each child can be no less than the average – 1 and no more than the
average + 1.

The sum of the e_i values MUST be the absolute lowest value that is possible for the given input file.

Command line: ./gifting inputFileName outputFileName

Compiles, good programming style, processes command line arguments 15 pts.
Produces correctly formatted output file with all children and gifts included 10 pts.
Produces optimal solution 70 pts.
Compute time/space efficiency, creativity 5 pts. + extra credit possible
1. Extra credit could possibly be large
2. Programming style based on Department Standards (see Programming Standards file on Canvas)
3. A signed Academic Integrity statement must be submitted to receive credit
Programs that do not compile and produce an executable on Clark will not be graded
Programs MUST be written in C/C++

Input format:

Plain text tab-delimited file. See example on next page. Child1 age 8
Child2 age 6
Child3 age 4

Gifts Price Size Ages
G1 12 1.3 7-14
G2 15 2.5 any
G3 8 1.5 0-5
G4 22 2.8 6-16
G5 10 1.5 any
G6 11 2.1 any

Output format:

The output should be a plain text tab-delimited file. It must begin with ‘Sum_e_i x’, where x is the sum of the ei
values. This should be followed by N rows, one for each child (in order), with their assigned gifts and ei value
as follows:

Sum_e_i 12.0
Child1 G1 G6 3
Child2 G5 G4 6
Child3 G3 G2 3

The post Gifting Problem first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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