Guideline for the Nerd
• I had a group assignment which I must write 400 words for the results section based on the following page information that other group members already wrote.
• The result section should report the findings related to the project’s specific objectives that we found in a workshop, they are as following:
• Do use workshop but most of the time is spent in vans off-site
• Storage of chemicals not always correct
• Middle stack of ladders not secured properly
• Workplace design not perfect, e.g. difficult to replace broken light above dexion
• No asbestos
• No ‘out of service’ tags available
• Cord across floor
• Determine the magnitude of the identified risks and the appropriate control measures to address them. Do risk assessment and management and finally do the risk control.
• Graphs and tables are encouraged to use when presenting the results.
• The regulation guide line ( work safe WA ) or other useful sites are good to reference.
• APA 7 is using for referencing
Risk Assessment and Risk Management Group Report
Risk assessments and risk management procedures are essential to comply to relevant work health and safety standards; workplaces must be as safe as reasonably practical for their employees. To achieve the highest level of reasonable practical safety, risks and hazards need to be identified, evaluated, mitigated, or removed and continually re-evaluated and assessed. Electrical workshops have a variety of risks and hazards associated with them; this is why risk management procedures are essential to ensure the workplace is as safe as reasonably possible. This risk assessment report is focused upon the electrical workshop located at Curtin university. The report will cover the aims/objectives of the risk assessment and management procedures, the methods applied for risk and hazard identification in the workshop, the results of the identified risks and hazards and appropriate control measures, and lastly discuss suggestions and recommendations from the analysis of what was found in the assessment for future investigations of this workplace.
The aims and objectives of this risk assessment and resulting risk management report is to risks and hazards are then to be discussed and evaluated to provide recommendations for control measures with which to reduce or eliminate the identified risk or hazard.
Aims and objectives will be carried out as follows:
• Complete Risk Assessment.
• Once risks and hazards are identified, this report will discuss their severity/magnitude and potential to cause harm not employees.
• A potential explanation as to why the risk or hazard is present within the workshop will be investigated (E.g., a cord along the floor may be due to a tool being used, unable to just remove the cord, this hazard will need to be thoughtfully mitigated.)
• Once each risk or hazard has been identified and evaluated the report will then discuss how to mitigate or remove this risk or hazard.
• Discuss the findings from the above and make recommendations for future investigations to ensure that the electrical workshop is continually as safe as reasonably practical.
1. Hazards identification
1.1 A check list was produced according to a general electrical workshop set up before the actual survey happened. This checklist is focus on the characters of a typical current electrical workshop hazards (details are shown in Appendix A)
1.2 A walk-through survey was conducted following the contents of the checklist. All parts of the workshop including the walls, doors, workstations, floor, ceiling, shelfs, cupboards, lights, machines, different functional areas like kitchen, storage room, toilets, and office areas, were recorded by photographs.
1.3 Collect the history of injuries and illnesses. An interview was organized with the electrical workshop manager. All work-related injuries and significate illnesses were recorded for the past 10 years.
1.4 All hazard or near miss reports was recorded through the interview with workshop manager.
1.5 Safety audit. Information of all the information of safety instructions, training programs, operation guidelines and indications for emergency escape within the workshop was collected through the manager.
1.6 The Safety Data Sheets (SDS) of all chemicals were checked. Also, the storage of all chemicals and handling instructions were checked.
1.7 Regular safety monitoring system of the workshop was checked by its records.
1.8 All hazard labels were checked and recorded by photographs.
1.9 Job safety information was checked with workshop manager.
Risk assessment
All identified hazards were assessed for their associate risks and their likelihoods of happening. Hazards were clarified into 5 categories: physical, chemical, biological, psychol-social, and ergonomic. A risk assessment matrix was established to evaluate the magnitude of the risks and identify the most urgent risks that require immediate attention. In this matrix, there are four types of likelihood of hazard exposure, from “very likely”, “likely”, “unlikely” to “very unlikely” according to their potential happening possibilities. Also, the consequences of risks were graded into “extreme”, “major”, “moderate”, and “minor’ according to the serious of risk results. Combining these two factors (likelihood and consequences), it produced a group of evaluated numbers from 1 to7. For number 1,2 and 3, need immediate action. Number 4 and 5, indicate that action is required as soon as possible. Number 6 and 7 indicate that there is no requirement of immediate action.
Risk management
All identified risks need correction or improvement urgently, a search of information from work safety regulation, electrical work safety law and legislation, and peers review literatures were performed to provide a solid clear guideline to control or demolish these risks efficiently. Hierarchy of controls was applied to risk managements according to each risk situation. Hierarchy of controls includes from top to low protection 5 different levels: “Elimination”, “Substitution”, “Engineering Controls”, “Administrative controls” and “Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)”.