Is it more dangerous than curative?

30 Content: Adequate Intro, Body, Conclusion; evidence provided for all claims; all work is original and not copied from other sources without providing source information

25 Grammar: Correct grammar and sentence structure is used; minimal spelling, punctuation, capitalization errors; paper has been proofread; minimal subject-verb agreement errors; no first or second person POV used; professional tone and language used

15 Sources: Are they credible; are there enough; is the References page properly formatted

10 APA Formatting: Correct font, margins, cover page, running head, numbered pages, etc.

10 Abstract: Summary of overall paper in correct format

10 In-text Citations: Are all of the sources in the References page cited in the text properly, with page or paragraph numbers for direct quotes

Total: 100


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  • Is it more dangerous than curative?
Reference no: EM132069492

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