You will take the data you have gained from:
Practical 2 – Isolation of mitochondria from liver and BCA protein assay (part 1)
Practical 3 – BCA protein assay (part 2) and analysis of subcellular fractions for evidence of mitochondria (succinate dehydrogenase assay)
The assignment is worth 20%
You will be marked on your poster layout, the use of graphs/tables/figures to present data, figure legends, the accuracy and detail of background information, results, discussion and conclusions (including references). Follow these instructions but also refer to the rubric to see
what will help you achieve top marks.
In this section, you should state your findings in writing. It is important you briefly explain how the data was obtained.
Include your tables and figures. Make them look professional – not hand-drawn. Indicate units and provide titles, legends and numbers for figures. Tabulated results and figures must be referred to in the text of the Results section. Do not include calculations in the poster. You will need to include a succinct but comprehensive figure legend for each result diagram you use. A figure legend should contain a brief description of the method used and a brief summary of the results shown.
Major findings from the graph can be written in point form underneath the graph. Graphs, graphics, images and tables need to be large enough for the audience members to see and be as attractive and clutter-free as possible.