As a student in elementary and high school and now that you are entering college courses, grades have long been an important measure of your success, but what do they really mean?

As a student in elementary and high school and now that you are entering college courses, grades have long been an important measure of your success, but what do they really mean? The idea behind grading is that educators will have measurable data on student progress and teacher effectiveness, but other factors have a profound impact on how individual teachers and even whole faculties assign grades. Read When Bs are Better by Michael Gordon and discuss the validity of his main points. You may (but do not have to) use personal experiences, but avoid personal pronouns in the thesis statement or topic sentences and use them elsewhere only to explain specific things from your own life if you include them in the essay. (You are not required to agree or disagree entirely with the article. Just discuss your reaction in organized paragraphs that deal with the major points of the article.)


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Reference no: EM132069492

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