Explain the student’s disability in detail, and select 3 teaching guidelines and formulate how you would specifically use them with student in your classroom.

This is the case study that the writer need to read before answering the questions:
Eddie is 6 years old and on psychologist’s tests appears to be of average overall ability. He did score low, however, on tests that measure his auditory sequential memory. Eddie hears and can use individual sounds but has trouble blending them together. He needs to have regular practice using onset and rhyming activities.
In class, Eddie’s teacher complains that he doesn’t listen or pay attention. He has a limited sight vocabulary. He does not take time to study words and will guess the word from the initial sound.
He as major problems with spelling, confusing ‘fish’ and ‘fhis’ and ‘on’ as ‘no’, ‘most’ and ‘mots’, etc. If Eddie tries to sound a word he can often do it with the initial sound but if he is asked to repeat it without an initial sound he cannot – example: he can sound out ‘boat’ but without the ‘b’ he has great difficulty. Eddie enjoys using the computer.

These are the questions that follow the case study
(1) Explain the student’s disability in detail, and select 3 teaching guidelines and formulate how you would specifically use them with student in your classroom.

(2) Select a children’s book that would be appropriate to read or show to this student’s class.
Prepare a brief description including title, author, summary,
and 5 discussion questions.


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  • Explain the student’s disability in detail, and select 3 teaching guidelines and formulate how you would specifically use them with student in your classroom.
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  • Write a paper on the Understanding the Correlation between Psychological Development and Social Media Exposure in the upcoming Generations (Children, Pre-Adolescent, and Adolescent).
  • Write an Argumentative essay on why we should wear masks.
Reference no: EM132069492

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