CERT X018 Project Planning: Allied Health Professionals


1. Project topic

Alignment to the Program of Study

In the present times, a new landscape is broadening within the health care including value-based care in which the health professionals, the government and lastly the payers are under extensive pressure for improvising patient outcomes and bring in reduction in costs. Amidst all of these that is efforts being put in to bring in reduction in health care costs, there is a phenomenon emerging that of suboptimal allied workers’ health (Suwanti & Udin, 2020).

A growing body of research is uncovering the startling nature of the mental health issues in allied health workers one being burnout of these workers. This directly relates to the fact that there are somewhere compromises being done in the training of healthcare workers for which they are not being able to provide improvised services in the health organizations.

In order to check on the high level of turnover as well as burnout within the allied health sector there is a need take up the matter on a serious note. In this, the process that needs to be undertaken by the HR professionals and managers to come up with person-fit training for allied health workers for improvised service delivery requires evaluation.

2. Project Problem

Problem to be Addressed

Understanding as to how people fit into their environment is certainly a major aspect to figure out organizational and workplace cultures. There has been high level of burnout observed in allied health workers and this is certainly a pressing issue in the healthcare institutions of the present times (Lawn, Zhi & Morello, 2017). There is a need to bring in a proper restructuring of the processes of HR professional and managers so that person-fit training can be provided to the allied health workers.

The problem is highly prevalent in the healthcare sector and demands for a quick solution and this is the reason why the topic has been chosen to be investigated upon. The problem is being faced both by the allied health workers who are forced to leave their jobs as they are not getting desired scope to advance in their career and it also affecting the healthcare institutions which are experiencing skill shortages.


The research conducted till now and the data reviewed suggests that there is not such understanding of the process or the way in which person-fit training within the healthcare organization can be done. Apart from that the link between job involvement and career commitment and person fit training is also lacking which certainly will be the main aspect that will be researched on in this project.

The research will benefit the healthcare institutions as they will be able to figure out as to the role HR professionals and managers need to play in bringing in improvement in the condition of allied healthcare workers. The findings will also be beneficial for the allied healthcare workers as they will understand the process they should expect in any healthcare organization to stay back and provide necessary services.

3. Supporting Evidence

Primary Orientation

Change management theories need to be applied to the present situation of allied health workers. HR professionals need to analyze the issues and then come up with a proper solution as to how changes can be done to the existing processes so that person-fit training can be supported well by the healthcare institutions.

The HR professionals and managers need to investigate the matter from varied perspectives—one that of the healthcare organizations and other that of the allied health workers. Superficial issues have been identified but in order to get to the roots there is a need to conduct proper research and focus on relevant theories such as Lewin’s Change Management theories.

Lewin’s change management theory has been chosen here as this is easy to understand, it makes the analysis of behavioral elements easy through means of psychology and most importantly consists of three simple stages those being Un-freeze—Change—Freeze (Hussain et al. 2018). It is much easy to implement and thus can help evaluate the present situation of person-fit training of allied health workers without making it complicated.

Efforts to Address the Problem

As per Chu, (2021), relationships between service organizations and customers develop based on mutual exchange and are highly linked to fulfillment of commitments. The service organizations such as the healthcare sector provide services to the consumers by making as well as fulfilling feasible commitments. When talking about this it cannot happen that allied healthcare workers are not mentioned about.

There has been a rise in burnout of these workers and somewhere or the other the situation or the ignorant attitude in training these workers is responsible.

Herkes et al., (2019), agrees to the deteriorating condition of allied health workers and says that quality improvement methods need to be focused on. Research done suggest that extensive hiring of allied healthcare workers gradually resulted in compromise of the quality of training they can provide or they are trained in.

HR professionals and managers need to focus on the process of person-fit training and bring in necessary modifications to address the pressing issue. Wei et al., (2017), opines that much has to be done by the HR professionals and managers in the healthcare sector so that the issues with the allied healthcare workers can be addressed.

Synthesis of the Evidence

The literature presents some of the generalized findings but there is a need to investigate specifically on the gap that has been identified. In the times of crisis, allied healthcare workers have more major role to play and in such situations the high level of burnout rate needs to be checked on.

This research has much to do with the healthcare sector and thus the population here is the entire healthcare sector. Streamlining the same, it can be said that the allied health workers are to be focused on mainly.

Questions to be addressed:

What changes can be made by the HR professionals and managers of the healthcare sector to bring in improvement in person-fit training?

Qualitative research methodology will be followed to address the above framed central research question. Mainly secondary data will be focused on that will be collected from scholarly articles as well as government websites and so on.

Project Questions

Statement of Primary Question(s)

RQ1. What is the process by which person-fit training is developed and implemented by HR professionals in an unnamed teaching hospital?

RQ2. What is the training provided by HR professionals to support the person-job fit of allied health staff in an unnamed teaching hospital?

RQ3. What is the process by which person-fit training is developed and implemented by department managers in an unnamed teaching hospital?

RQ4. What is the training provided by department managers to support the person-job fit of allied health staff in an unnamed teaching hospital?

Definition of Terms

Allied health professionals- Allied Health professionals are those who are included in the broad range of health professionals but are neither doctors nor nurses.

Person-fit training- It means training to be given to allied health workers to make ensure they fit in a better way in their job.

Proposed Project Framework

Methodological Approach

Qualitative methodological approach will be used so that in depth knowledge is obtained on the topic.

Population and Sample

Population here is all HR professionals and allied health workers. Sample will be HR professionals who are indulged in training program in the hospitals of Florida.

Constructs, Phenomena, Variables

Qualitative research does not focus much on the metrics of the data and thus there is scope for enhanced level of detail (Ragab and Arisha 2018). This in turn provides more opportunities to gain insights from it at the time of examination. Apart from that, with qualitative research data collection becomes cost efficient.

Proposed Data Sources

Measures or Artifacts to be Reviewed

Data will be collected from secondary sources such as articles and journals and the databases that will be used are Google Scholar, IEEE Explore and more. All of the articles will be peer reviewed and the content taken from websites will be from authentic sources such as Government websites. Interview will be conducted with HR professionals.

Detailed Procedures

The steps that need to be completed are:

1.Searching for the articles or journals using keywords.

2.The abstract and conclusion reviewed to understand if the content in the article is related to the topic.

3.To critically review the source and include the findings in the research.

4.A hospital in Florida will be approached and they will be explained the reason behind conducting the research and HR professionals will be requested to be a part of the interview.


Validity, reliability, credibility and dependability are somewhat tough to comment on in case of qualitative research. All of this depends on the appropriateness of the tools, processes and data that is collected from varied sources. There are chances of getting derailed from the actual research plan when going for qualitative research and thus mitigation will be properly collecting data and wisely choosing case studies.

Proposed Data Collection

Sampling Strategy, Number participants

Non-probability sampling will be used as not every member of the population will get equal chances to be a part of the research study. The number of participants will be 5 to 10 HR professionals.

Recruitment Procedures

There will be no such process of recruitment in specific. Some, in specific 2 hospitals will be approached and some of the HR professionals mainly the head ones will be included in the interview.

Data Collection Process

Face-to-face interviews will be conducted and the HR professionals will be asked some specific questions highly related to the topic.

Ethical Considerations

None of the participants will be forced to be a part of the project and consent form will be duly signed before the interview is started with.

Proposed Data Analysis Plan

The data will be analyzed thematically that is various themes related to the topic will be identified and these will be evaluated based on the findings from both secondary and primary data.

Reference no: EM132069492

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