What are the major forces and factors disabling democracies around the world and in the United States?

For this assignment, you are to assess the arguments and evidence from How Democracies Die. Respond to ONE of the following prompts making sure to answer carefully each part of the question. As part of that assessment, you are to integrate an understanding of democracy based on what has been covered this term in the other texts on the Narrow Corridor and China’s Future. You are also to use the comparative method effectively to address the questions in the prompt.

According to Levitsky and Ziblatt, how do democracies die? What are the major forces and factors disabling democracies around the world and in the United States? Are these trends fatal to democracy? Why or why not? Refer to at least three countries in your answer and compare and contrast their outcomes.


  • What the internet is doing to our brains” by Nicholas Carr; “The Upside of Technology?
  • What are the major forces and factors disabling democracies around the world and in the United States?
  • Write on the breadth and significance of the claims (you can find them in the end of the patent).
  • What are the qualifications outlined under this law to be appointed to the Canadian Senate?
  • Explain how executive pay typically is determined?
  • What role does a firms vision statement play in corporate and competitive strategies?
  • Explain and examine how nonverbal behaviors affect interviewer ratings of candidates.
  • What is the purpose of picketing during a strike?
  • What does Sundiata tell us about West African history and culture before European arrival?
  • Explain how global inequality affect your life for better and/or worse.
Reference no: EM132069492

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