What are the qualifications outlined under this law to be appointed to the Canadian Senate?


You should have 2 sources for each of the 5 sub-sections, but they can be the same general source, such as the Canadian Encyclopedia but different parts of that website.

These 5 sub-sections have a huge amount of possible information, but I want you to focus only on the parts that answer the questions in the bullet points. Use precise Googling/search within the sources you find to pinpoint the material you need to read.

For example, the BNA Act. The bullets indicate 2 things in that very long and rambling law that we need to know about because it set the legal framework with an 1860 colonial mindset that started this tiny snowball rolling down the hill. The following events are where it picks up more and more snow to become an avalanche.

I am guessing that it will need to be at least 6 pages double-spaced. Plus a page at the end listing all of your sources. No headers, and please make brief citations for each paragraph and all quotes, like this: (BNA Act Canadian Encyclopedia). Then list the website in your sources so I can look it up if I have a question about your information.

Paper Question:

This is one question, but it has many parts. You must answer every part. The correct answer will outline the following process:

The Canadian government wanted to institute a military draft during World War I (1914-18) to increase the size of its army/navy. This led to the legalization of same-sex marriage in Canada in 2005. How did wanting more soldiers result in recognizing equal marriage rights? You mission is to explain that to me.

You will need to research the following:

British North America Act (usually called the BNA Act) now called the Constitution Act of 1867. This British Law created Canada as an almost but not quite separate country.
Britain withheld 3 important powers from its newest child all of which directly affect the subsequent events that led to marriage equality what are they?
What are the qualifications outlined under this law to be appointed to the Canadian Senate?

1917 Wartime Elections Act
What did it change about federal elections in Canada and why?
Who was included in the new right to vote and who was excluded and why?

Persons Case of 1929
The Famous Five why did they get together to launch a case before the Supreme Court of Canada? Hint 5 is a magic number.
What was the outcome of that case and how did the Court and Canadian government explain it?
How did the Famous Five challenge the ruling, why were they able to do that, and what was the result of this challenge?

Constitution Act of 1982/Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Look up the parts of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that we went over (twice) in class, the parts that were written with the Persons Case in mind to correct the error contained in the BNA Act that led to that dispute.

Bill C-38 – Law on Civil Marriage
Explain how the Wartime Elections Act of 1917 led indirectly or directly to this law that re-defined marriage rights in a way that aligned with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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