Write an essay that evaluates the two answers to this question that we discussed in classthe mandate/responsiveness model and the accountability model.

1. If democracy is a system in which decisions reflect the popular will and all voters have an equal say, how democratic is our system of electing presidents? Are there feasible reforms that would improve the system? A good answer will discuss both the primary system and the general election (i.e., the Electoral College). Write 1 intro paragraph and 2 Body paragraphs

2. Recall the question posed by our hypothetical extraterrestrial visitor: How can we claim that the periodic election of representatives to make decisions counts as rule by the people? Write an essay that evaluates the two answers to this question that we discussed in classthe mandate/responsiveness model and the accountability model. Then consider whether direct democracy in the form of initiatives offers a better way for the people to rule. In doing so, you should demonstrate that you are in command of the alleged advantages and disadvantages of initiatives. Write 1 intro paragraph and 2 Body paragraphs


  • Describe the mens rea; actus reus the prosecution based the charges against her on.
  • Write an essay that evaluates the two answers to this question that we discussed in classthe mandate/responsiveness model and the accountability model.
  • What are they trying to change and what structures of power must they confront to enact reform or transformation?
  • Write a paper on barriers for successful digital transformation.
  • Does the resistance for global migration undermine efforts for global citizenship?
  • Write a contemporary issue that impacts LGBTQ communities that you feel connected to or passionate about.
  • Does age matter in a relationship?
  • Clearly explain the difference between collection of data through questionnaires and schedules.
  • Is it problematic that those chronicling the music were white when the music was created by blacks?
  • Discuss and chose one Asian country and one Latin America country and say the similarites and differences between them.
Reference no: EM132069492

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