Briefly Describe the Big Data Initiative

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Assignment Task

For this assignment. you will create a report outlining the different data analytics approaches you would use to solve the business problem or make the business decision you identified in Assignment 1. Next you will identify what KPIs you will use to measure and for reporting purposes. You may organise your report in a manner that best describes your thinking. However, you should include the following criteria: 

1. Recap Business Initiative

a. Briefly describe the Big Data initiative you identified in Assignment 1. What business problem will this plan address? What business decision will the proposed data analysis help make? 

2. Data Analytics

a. Identify and explain what data analytics you will select to accomplish your business initiative. You should include a brief explanation of your selection and any specifics and explain what benefits you will receive or why you have selected it.

b. Consider any models. concepts. or past business results discussed in the chapters or readings to strengthen your analysis. You may consider:

i. What analytic forms you will use

ii. How you will use descriptive, diagnostic, predictive. and prescriptive.

ill. What business intelligence will you use?

iv. Will data mining be used? What techniques might you use?

v. Will you incorporate any Al. machine learning. deep learning or neural networks?

vi. Any other analytics you have identified in your research. 

3. KPIs 

a. Select what key KPIs you will use for measuring and reporting purposes. Your KPH should align with the business solution or problem you have identified.

i. Identify what KPH you will use and why you have selected them. Your KPIs should focus on the following four areas:

1. Customer Satisfaction

2. Internal Process Quality

3. Employee Satisfaction

4. Financial Performance Index

b. Determine your measurement frequency and reporting frequency

c. Identify who will have ownership of the KPIs

d. Provide a brief description of how you wil communicate your KPIs.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 17th, 2019

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Reference no: EM132069492

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