Describe the pattern in a real-life situation you have encountered. How did that situation reflect the cultural pattern? (Please remember to use language that respects diversity.

Select one of the cultural patterns described within the reading (examples include high- and low-context cultures, power distance, etc). For the selected pattern:
Describe the pattern in a real-life situation you have encountered. How did that situation reflect the cultural pattern? (Please remember to use language that respects diversity.
How was the communication within that situation impacted by the cultural pattern?
Now that you understand the cultural pattern better, how could you have acted/responded differently?
How will you use knowledge of cultural patterns in planning your speeches in the future?


  • searching databases
  • Global Climate Change Cooperation: Finding and Analyzing Sources
  • Op-ed for the NY Times/ Marx
  • The History of Santa Claus
  • Leadership, Culture, Multinational, Business (please see instructions)
  • English as a global language, a global lingua franca.
  • Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected.
  • Describe the pattern in a real-life situation you have encountered. How did that situation reflect the cultural pattern? (Please remember to use language that respects diversity.
  • The Autonomous Car: Future Prospects and Hurdles
  • 2500 word discussion and reflection on their nursing decision-making to assess, plan and implement care related to an adult’s complex care needs that support them to live well with a long-term health
Reference no: EM132069492

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