Determine positive and negative impacts of each proposed solution.

Select a case study (Case Studies are listed under Resources below).

Case Scenario 2*******
The staff members at Smiley Hospital are assigned to specific patient age groups and their responsibilities differ across the unit. The staff has been complaining that their evaluations do not accurately measure their responsibilities and that they are being measured on performance outcomes they cannot control. Morale is low because they believe their work is not being recognized or distributed fairly (leadership/ethical issue). The directors at Smiley Hospital have been challenged with developing a new way to fairly assign and assess individual performances according to their various job descriptions.

Copy the case study or thoroughly paraphrase above the worksheet. (Please do not just put a number to identify the case.)
Use specific data and verbiage from the case study when identifying the issues.
Use complete sentences with citations where appropriate.
Be sure you specifically address the ethical dilemma in the case.
Propose three or more potential solutions. One may be to do nothing.
Determine positive and negative impacts of each proposed solution.
You will want to recall the knowledge gained from delegation and problem-solving worksheets completed in the prior assignment.
Cite and reference a minimum of three sources.
Be sure you state the obvious to assure that you are demonstrating understanding of the issue and the proposed solution(s).


  • Discuss on Socrates’ Belief that Nobody does Wrong Knowingly is False.
  • Discuss examples of problems with the book, or elements that you didn’t like
  • Can you compare Mozart’s life and experience to any aspect of the present?
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the development of the music.
  • What is the tone of this essay—that is what is the writer’s attitude toward his subject? Is Theroux poking fun at Tucaloosans for their fandom?
  • talk about the chain of evidence and how some evidence had to be retrieved from the body of the victims at hospitals
  • what do these particular in-groups say about our society as a whole?
  • Create paragraphs with strong topic sentences that frame the scope of the paragraphs Analyze the reading materials utilizing text summarization, critical thinking, and textual evidence Final Exam Criteria
  • Determine positive and negative impacts of each proposed solution.
  • Write a paper on Why oatmeal raisins are objectively (or subjectively) worse than other cookies.
Reference no: EM132069492

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