EDUC11044 – Child Growth and Development – Case Study

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Assignment Task


This is a culminating assignment for students to show what they have learned about child development by analyzing the case study of a 4 year old boy.



Using the textbook, lecture materials, and the Best Start On Track development link above, provide 2 examples of Reed’s development for each domain (Biological/Physical, Cognitive, Socio-Emotional). Quote the sentence or phrase in the case study or video link of Reed that tells you about Reed’s development in this area. (Tip: there are many developmental indicators represented in the Case Study. Choose those you are most comfortable explaining, discussing, delving into).

Next, link the indicator to course material by citing either the textbook, lectures, or Best Start document and comment whether this is typical or atypical for a child of Reed’s age.

Finally, for each idea/skill you have listed, comment on what this might have looked like in Infancy or Toddlerhood OR may look like as Reed grows into middle childhood. In other words, what skill might have preceded this skill OR what might come next? Cite textbook, lecture material or Best Start On Track guide in your answer.


As an early childhood educator, what do you wonder about Reed’s development? Choose an indicator of development that you are curious about (could be from the chart above, or a different indicator).

Next, briefly discuss why this is of interest and why you are wondering about it.

Finally, list one question you might ask either yourself, Reed (be careful here!), or his family, or someone else (identify) and explain why you would ask this question and discuss one thing you might do to learn more about this aspect of Reed’s development and explain why.


Identify 2 theoretical concepts / developmental ideas we discussed at any point in the course that are illustrated or embedded in this Case Study. (Tip: As noted above, there are many concepts illustrated in the text of the Case Study. Choose the ones you will list carefully. Think about what you are comfortable expanding on/talking about).

Next, identify where this idea is presented in the course material by citing either the textbook or lectures and finally explain how the concept is illustrated in the Case Study.

Reed: A Case Study

This case study is about a 4-year-old child named Reed. Reed lives with his mom and dad and big sister in the country. Reed likes living in the country and will excitedly recite his address to his ECE at school. His dad travels 3 to 4 days a week away from home. His mom works in the home. Reed’s family has 2 dogs and a guinea pig. Reed is very comfortable with his pets and sometimes prefers the company of his pets over other children. Reed likes things to be familiar. Reed’s mom is 6 months pregnant with her 3rd child.

Reed attends full day kindergarten at a close by school and a before and after school program at a child care centre not far from the school. His sister is in Grade 2.

Reed loves to spend time playing with his Thomas the Tank Engine and his pets. He often pretends he is a train conductor when playing with Thomas, or a “pet doctor” when he plays with his dog. He is technologically savvy, and plays on his iPad on the couch in the evenings after dinner for about 2 hours before bedtime. Although there was a consistent routine at home, things are getting a bit more unstructured as mom’s due date approaches and his outdoor time has decreased. Reed is having a tough time accepting the word “no” when his mom attempts to add structure to their lives, especially when she tries to put his iPad away for bed.

Reed was walking at the age 13 months and was potty trained around 3 years of age. Now at age 4, Reed is 32 inches tall and weighs around 36 pounds. He can run, hop on one foot, jump, and walk up and down the stairs. He can also dress and undress on his own, buttoning buttons and pulling up zippers. He enjoys rough housing with his dad when he is home. His dad enjoys this too and often rewards Reed with a new toy, a big hug, or simply by exclaiming “you sure are a tough boy!” proudly after they are done playing. Reed looks for this approval from his dad after these play times.

When his mother is doing laundry or setting the table, he is often eager to help her out. He is interested in the new experiences associated with getting the house ready for the baby. Reed is seeking to be more independent and he asks a lot of questions about what his mom is doing. His mom gives him small tasks, like matching the socks, folding baby clothes, or helping set the table for a meal. She guides him through these new activities using language or breaking things down into steps. Even though Reed’s mom is busy, she notices the small gestures and comments Reed makes that indicate a question or interest in something she’s doing and she always acknowledges these expressions.

Reed has a particular interest in Dinosaurs, he watches documentaries about dinosaurs and will talk about them in length, telling his listener all about them. He enjoys playing dinosaur games on his iPad but also invents games about dinosaurs and acts them out with small figurines.

Reid enjoys reading a book with his mom before bed. Reed turns the pages as his mom reads. Reed has been experiencing frequent night terrors and is getting about 8 hrs of sleep each night. Lately he seems to be worried about monsters and ghosts. He is not sure if they really exist; if they are real or fantasy. He talks to his stuffed animals when he is scared and asks them to protect him at night. Reed will often recall parts of the stories he is interested in during the day to his parents and educators. Some of his favourite books are:

Reed is able to identify numbers up to 9 and can match most letters with their sound. He can hold a pencil correctly and make drawings of objects he is interested in. See his writing of his name and his drawing of dinosaurs below.

When he is with his sister, they sometimes play a game of Candy Land or Monopoly. Reed gets excited when he has a lot of $1 bills in the Monopoly game and mistakenly thinks his 10 $1 bill are more than his sister’s 2 $10 bills. When playing, Reed can follow his sister’s directions when he isn’t sure what to do. When playing, Reed can count the required spaces and coordinate the number on the dice with the number of squares to move forward. and can follow his sister’s directions when he isn’t sure what to do. Reed has frequent emotional outbursts when he has trouble with something at home. For example, when he could not fit all the puzzle pieces back in the box, he spent a few seconds trying to force them in then he became more and more frustrated and smashed the lid down on the box.

Reed enjoys going to full day kindergarten and his before and after school care in a child care setting. He is tentative around his peers but has a couple of friendships with children that his mother arranges for him to see outside of school. Reed has a difficult time saying goodbye to his mom when she leaves him at child care. He usually hangs on to her leg when it’s time for her to go until an ECE brings him into the classroom activity. At that point, he will cautiously join the other children while holding the ECE’s hand. When he gets comfortable, he contributes to the play and sometimes pretends to the “the dad” in the dramatic play area. He likes to do crafts but needs help holding the scissors and opening them and closing them when cutting paper. This can be a source of frustration for Reed. Reed’s ECE is very attentive. Reed often asks “why?” throughout the day and the ECE notices this and responds to his inquiries with interest. Reed is beginning to understand that he can’t yell at his educator like he does at his sister when he is frustrated and is learning to adjust his speech when he is with adults at school.

Reed plays soccer with kids in the community and can kick and catch the ball and throw it overhead. He seems very proud as he runs back and forth on the field. He is beginning to be able to reflect on his emotions and can use many different words to describe how he is feeling. He understands that other people don’t necessarily feel like he does and he recently helped his friend by comforting him when someone pushed him down on the soccer field. He usually gets along well with other children but can get very upset during busy transition periods between activities or routines during the day. At these times, Reed has shown some anger and sometimes loses control over his emotions. He will lash out and begin to throw objects or say mean things. Reed covers his ears after throwing things and runs if the educator raises her voice. The ECE has suggested a meeting with Reed’s parents to discuss these outbursts that don’t seem to happen at home.

Reed is able to express himself in 5-6 word sentences and is using more descriptive words when he talks. Watch this 3-minute video where Reed discusses his ideas about dinosaurs, his fears, his favourite season, and his ideas about girls and boys to learn more about Reed’s development.

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