Plato and Aristotle and how they prove they’re ways of life are right

Below is a reading prompt for the paper. Write a paper addressing the prompt. Be sure to
use textual support to demonstrate the things you say. Having presented the ideas clearly,
provide a critical assessment.
Things to keep in mind:
Do the quotes you have selected individually address the proposed thesis?
Do the quotes you have selected collectively address the proposed thesis?
Have you fully explained how, exactly, the quotes you have provided address the
proposed thesis?
Introductory Paragraph
For Both Plato and Aristotle understand the Being of humanity in a way that has
political and moral consequences. Though the communities Plato and Aristotle
consider are supposedly best suited for human excellence, they are in no way
democratic. Plato and Aristotle challenge the idea that everyone is equal, and that
everyone has their own opinion and truth. In contrast to this, Plato and Aristotle
try to understand something like the right or good way to live. Important for both
is that a rational account be given for the right ideas. How do Plato and Aristotle
determine such things as better and worse opinions, better and worse leaders
and ways of life, and better and worse people? Is there something good about
this? What might be problematic?


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  • Plato and Aristotle and how they prove they’re ways of life are right
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  • Demonstrate your understanding of the development of the music.
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Reference no: EM132069492

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