STA3201 – Introduction to Econometrics

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Assignment Task

Question one

a) The ANOVA table below is the result of a study of output against labour and capital input assuming the Cobb-Douglas production function , where Y is the output, L is the labour input in hours, and K is the capital input in KshM. For the model

Source d.fSum of sqsMean ss F

Regression 2 3.9872 Residual 0.0487 Total 39

(i) Obtain the coefficient of multiple determination

(ii) What conclusion would you make from the table?

b) A survey was conducted to study the relationship between expenditure on advertising (X) and sales of a particular firm (Y). The following calculations were made;

Yj=299.8 , XjYj=32,308.59 , Yj2=6430.06 , n=15

The fitted line is given by Y=118.91-0.905XCompute the Total Sum of Squares (TSS), Sum of Squared Errors (SSE) hence R-Squared (R2).

Interpret R2 obtained above.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 17th, 2019

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Reference no: EM132069492

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